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Why "Dumb" TVs are better (and how that affects your content marketing business)
By Ronnie Nijmeh comment 0 Comments access_time 2 min read

[DROPCAPS text=’Last week I talked about the TRUE key distinguishing factor online Content.’ textsize=’65’]

It ain’t whiz bang tactics or gizmos that get people to love you and buy from you. It’s your content and the personality that delivers that content.

I used the example of TV. You don’t watch TV because of the ads. You watch because of the content.

Likewise, you don’t BUY a TV because of the social networking features a “smart” TV has. That’s like buying a car because of the dice hanging from the rear view mirror. Dumb.

Well turns out I’m right, as usual. ๐Ÿ˜‰

A new report from the Daily Mail says:

New figures reveal consumers are ignoring the ‘smart TV’ features such as apps and twitter access, instead simply watching catch up video over the internet.

Although manufacturers have given their latest sets the ability to tweet, view websites and even download apps, research firm NPD says all consumers really want to do on their TV is watch TV.

The research is a major blow for TV manufacturers who have invested millions in creating internet connected sets that can run apps.

Gotta love when big media reports affirms me. ๐Ÿ™‚

So you see, content is critical. Before doing anything else, you need to master your content plan. Don’t get distracted by silly marketing games or shiny objects that never last the true test if time.

Create content that is powerful, persuasive, and truly valuable.

But don’t slave away doing it yourself. Get done for you content that you can modify as your own. It’s like making a TV licensing deal of your own. Except 1000x cheaper and faster.

We’ve revamped theย store to be easier to find even more great content for your biz.

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