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Two critical pillars for online marketing success
By Ronnie Nijmeh comment 0 Comments access_time 2 min read

Yesterday I told you about how I got my start online via affiliate marketing (selling other people’s stuff for a commission).

Today is all about the HOW… 

How did I become a six figure affiliate marketer?

For my “CD Burning” niche site, I tried all sorts of different things to stand out:

  1. Podcast (long before it was ever called a podcast)
  2. Swag giveaways
  3. Pros & cons product reviews
  4. How-to text tutorials (long before YouTube existed!)
  5. Sending out an email newsletter with tips/tricks

… and so on.

Guess what?
They all WORKED. 

These little things got me noticed, and built a solid, trustworthy reputation with my prospects.

The REASON it worked was I made the commitment to do these little things REGULARLY.

And these “little things” all boil down to ADDING VALUE to the buying experience in some way.

Simple, right?

Good question. 🙂

Well, I have a theory…

       “OVER-THINKING makes DOING difficult.”

Here’s what I mean…

We like to THINK that online “selling” is a lot harder than what it is. That way, if we fail, we can just say that “it’s too hard” and give up.

Because if it were easy, we would’ve done it already…
…and been successful, right?

It’s the same story with every challenge we face, whether it’s shedding pounds, finding a mate, finishing school, or whatever.

The mountain ALWAYS appears larger in our minds, than during the journey. So we’re defeated before we take our first step.

Being a successful affiliate marketer, product creator, life coach, or whatever boils down to two things:

    – Start thinking that you CAN (and will)

    – Commit to doing LITTLE things regularly.

So back to affiliate marketing…

When I first started, I worked HARD, and I set “little” goals like:

a) “Record a podcast today”
b) “Write a product review of product X tomorrow”
c) “Email my list the day after that”

These little daily commitments grew to become BIG DEALS as business grew.

So, how can YOU add value to the buying experience?

What will you DO to get noticed and get the sale?

To your success,

Ronnie Nijmeh