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Finding opportunities from Lifehacker?
By Ronnie Nijmeh comment 0 Comments access_time 2 min read

This caught my eye and I wanted to share it with you.

Lemme ‘splain the flow:

  1. Lifehacker reported about a research-based 7-minute workout and linked back to the original article on NY Times.
  2. The next day, Lifehacker published a follow-up post with 12 videos showing how to do each workout.TIP: They just curated the best videos from YouTube and embedded it on their site… smart. You can do the same for your own blog!
  3. Next, some smart coders read the Lifehacker story and created a couple of web-timers for the 7 minute workout. This one’s my favourite: and here’s another one:

Why this is cool:

  1. Lifehacker simply reported about a new research study and linked back to the original article (easy 15-minute blog post!)
  2. Lifehacker then mashed together relevant videos to create ANOTHER post that references the initial post.
  3. Lifehacker posts ANOTHER follow-up post linking to the creators of the 7-minute workout timers.

Three posts. All of them are simply referring to other people’s sites.

Yet Lifehacker gets all the traffic because it’s THE place to go to hear about all things “cool”.

But there are two important pieces missing…

  • NO ONE is collecting leads and building a list!
  • NO ONE is monetizing this!

And that’s where you come in…

Here’s what you can do with this:

Strategy #1: Create a one-page “tip sheet” that describes the top resources and links (including those links above!), then use this as your freebie offer.

“5 Little-Known Free Tools To Workout in 7 Minutes Per Day”

And on your squeeze page, you can write some bullets about how this is research-based by a university, yadda yadda…

TIP: Single page “tip sheets” have been outperforming full-blown courses and books as opt-in offers. People want LESS information that’s easy to digest. Plus it’s easier for you to compile and create.

Strategy #2: Create a “7 minute workout” coaching program using a mix of content, free resources, nutrition tips, personal accountability partners, and weekly group coaching.

TIP: Even though the 7 minute workout is stupid simple, people still need a coach motivating them to actually DO it… plus the workout is missing the nutrition piece, so it’s your chance to fill that gap.

This is where using PLR comes into play. 

I have Weight Loss and Fitness PLR Pack so you can grab some content and make this happen.

To your success,

Ronnie Nijmeh

7 minute workout fitness lifehacker private label content weight loss weight loss plr