Tracey Marks Magazine

How To Create A Coaching Magazine Or Newsletter

Dr. Tracey Marks created a printed magazine using the done-for-you content. She simply took products from our Content Library, hired a graphic designer on Upwork, and had a stunning magazine printed for her patient waiting room.


Dr. Tracey Marks is a medical doctor and psychiatrist in Atlanta specializing in sleep, depression, anxiety, and stress management. She is a member since June 2009.

Dr. Marks took the done-for-you coaching resources from and hired a designer to create custom magazines for her patients as they wait in the waiting room.

The transformation is so stunning that we couldn’t believe our eyes!

Here’s the original done-for-you book:

And here’s how it looks after Dr. Marks transformed the book into a beautiful magazine:

Would you ever guess that these were the same thing?

That’s the beauty of done-for-you content. Tweak it. Change the look and feel. Make it your own.

By creating her own magazine, Dr. Marks is able to boost her own profile and authority since her patients are reading her content, instead of the latest celebrity gossip.

This puts her patients in a peaceful frame of mind as they wait to be seen.

Never write from scratch again.

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Magazines can present a unique branding opportunity and revenue stream. They allow you to tap into a new audience, generate ad revenue, and build your brand.

You can mail out a monthly or quarterly magazine to your previous clients to encourage them to come back and book another session.

If you have a waiting room, you can include your magazine on the coffee table, just as Dr. Marks did.

You can also partner with local businesses and include their ads in the magazine, in exchange for distribution of your magazine in their offices for added exposure. Or simply charge a fee for the advertising and generate another income stream.

You can also email a digital version of the magazine to your clients, post it on SlideShare, and on your website.

Printed magazines can dramatically increase your exposure.

While you will enjoy added attention and exposure, creating magazines can require an enormous investment of your time.

There are articles to be written, images to be sourced, an attractive page layout needed, and more.

Usually it takes a huge team to produce a magazine. Hours upon hours. Weeks sometimes.

With the Content Library, you have an entire team working for you. We create the content. We create the images. You can simply take what we’ve already done, and change it to fit your style, just as Dr. Marks did.

Once you’ve sourced your material, you can hire an inexpensive designer on Fiverr or Upwork to layout everything for you.

Voila! Now you have a magazine to put in your office and sell to customers.

Super fast. Super easy. Super effective.

  • 1Download the magazine material you need from our Content Library. You’ll find inspiring graphics, affirmations, articles and everything you need.
  • 2Download our free coaching magazine template and to layout your magazine or hire a designer from Upwork or Fiverr.
  • 3Print your magazine using a local printer, or do a search for “magazine printing”. You can also try: Peecho and Blurb.
  • 4Use your magazine as a source of ad revenue, brand building, and client acquisition.

Brandable coaching resources at your fingertips.

Beautiful done for you coaching resources, products,
marketing materials, and content.

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Who is happily using Using

The Top Health & Wellness Coaches, Doctors, And Influencers Trust
  • Eva Gregory – International Coach of the Year
  • Stephen Pierce – Professional Public Speaker
  • Miguel de Jesus – Keynote Speaker, Author & Consultant
  • Dr. Tracey Marks – Psychiatrist
  • Doug Foresta – Therapist and Host on Empower Radio
  • Jan Marie Mueller – Life Coach
  • Sue Guiher – Success Coach
  • Dr. Joe Rubino – International Expert on Self-Esteem
  • Chris Richardson – Author and Relationship Coach
  • Justine Antoinette – NLP Practitioner and Coach
  • Marlene Shiple, Ph.D – Licensed Counselor
  • Linda Hampton, RN, MSN – Executive Stress Expert
  • Amin Motin – Online Educator
  • Sean McCool – Coach and Founder of Rise Up Champion
Who is happily using

You get all source files.

So you can edit, brand, sell,
or give it away as your own!


Future proof. Even if you unsubscribe.

If you unsubscribe, your license on resources already downloaded is still covered. Now that's peace of mind!
Here’s what you can and cannot do with the done-for-you content:
  • Can claim full authorship with no attribution
  • Can add your branding, colors, logo and name
  • Can be taken apart, added to, or sold as is
  • Can be edited completely and renamed
  • Can be sold
  • Can be given away
  • Can be packaged with other products
  • Can be offered as a bonus
  • Can be used as a lead magnet or content upgrade
  • Can be used as web content
  • Can be used in physical products
  • Can be used in audio and video
  • Can be used in workshops and webinars
  • Can be added to your membership site
  • Can keep 100% of the sales
  • Cannot transfer the private label rights to others
  • Cannot sell Resell Rights
  • Cannot sell Master Resale Rights
  • Cannot sell Private Label Rights
  • Cannot syndicate articles
  • Cannot be sold as a Kindle book (against Amazon's terms of service)
  • Cannot be offered through auction sites
  • Cannot sell or giveaway your license to the content

For full licensing terms, click here.

Never write from scratch again.

Create products, presentations, and coaching programs without writing a single word from scratch...
...and without having to find, pay and babysit expensive freelancers to get the job done.
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Have you always wanted to create your own membership site, learning center, or coaching program?

Now you can finally get it done, without writing from scratch. Which means you can get a quick return on your investment since you can get your products to your clients faster.

What kinds of products can you offer your cllents?

Here Are A Few Ideas:

The Ultimate PLR Content Library

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  • Access over 18,805+ ready to use PLR coaching resources that you can brand as your own.
  • Download what you need, when you need it.
  • Brand, tweak, and sell as your own. No royalties or extra fees.
  • Create courses, products, webinars, emails, or nearly anything else you can dream of.
  • Cancel anytime.
  • From just $0.60 per download.