Sean Mccool Page

How To Repurpose One Article As An Infographic, Email, Training Video, And Presentation

Sean McCool understands the power of repurposing content. He took a single article created by the professional writers at and transformed it into a blog post, infographic, several emails, training videos, and a Slideshare presentation.


Sean is a member since 2016. He’s a business consultant and speaker. He also offers individual and group coaching services to move his clients forward in all four “Champion” key areas of life: fitness, identity, relationships, and enterprises.

Sean is a superstar when it comes to creativity and productivity!

From a single article – yes, just one! – he brilliantly transformed it into several formats. He published the material on his blog, in an email, on Slideshare, on social media, and more.

Sean literally had a single piece of done-for-you content do all the work. That’s called dazzling creativity and productivity!

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There is great power in repurposing content. And the most successful coaches understand that content should be published across many platforms.

But not all content works well with every platform.

YouTube is about videos.
Instagram is about photos and videos.
Your blog is about longer articles with mixed media.
Slideshare is about infographics and presentations.

And when you repurpose your content into many formats, you can tap into different traffic sources and unique learning styles.

This is important because some people may prefer video, audio, text, or graphics. Some people prefer Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or YouTube.

The best part?

With the vast Content Library, you can quickly transform a single resource into different formats.

And instead of creating new content for each platform, just use the done-for-you content as a quick shortcut.

It’s so much faster than trying to start from scratch.

  • 1Find a piece of written content from the Content Library. This could be a blog post, ebook, or collection of affirmations.
  • 2Depending on the size of the content, you can slice it up into pieces and put it in different forms. For example, you could include part of an ebook in a blog post, or part of a blog post in an email.
  • 3Publish these piece of content across a variety of platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, email, Slideshare, YouTube, and Pinterest. The more platforms you’re on, the more traffic and engagement you’ll see.

Brandable coaching resources at your fingertips.

Beautiful done for you coaching resources, products,
marketing materials, and content.

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Who is happily using Using

The Top Health & Wellness Coaches, Doctors, And Influencers Trust
  • Eva Gregory – International Coach of the Year
  • Stephen Pierce – Professional Public Speaker
  • Miguel de Jesus – Keynote Speaker, Author & Consultant
  • Dr. Tracey Marks – Psychiatrist
  • Doug Foresta – Therapist and Host on Empower Radio
  • Jan Marie Mueller – Life Coach
  • Sue Guiher – Success Coach
  • Dr. Joe Rubino – International Expert on Self-Esteem
  • Chris Richardson – Author and Relationship Coach
  • Justine Antoinette – NLP Practitioner and Coach
  • Marlene Shiple, Ph.D – Licensed Counselor
  • Linda Hampton, RN, MSN – Executive Stress Expert
  • Amin Motin – Online Educator
  • Sean McCool – Coach and Founder of Rise Up Champion
Who is happily using

You get all source files.

So you can edit, brand, sell,
or give it away as your own!


Future proof. Even if you unsubscribe.

If you unsubscribe, your license on resources already downloaded is still covered. Now that's peace of mind!
Here’s what you can and cannot do with the done-for-you content:
  • Can claim full authorship with no attribution
  • Can add your branding, colors, logo and name
  • Can be taken apart, added to, or sold as is
  • Can be edited completely and renamed
  • Can be sold
  • Can be given away
  • Can be packaged with other products
  • Can be offered as a bonus
  • Can be used as a lead magnet or content upgrade
  • Can be used as web content
  • Can be used in physical products
  • Can be used in audio and video
  • Can be used in workshops and webinars
  • Can be added to your membership site
  • Can keep 100% of the sales
  • Cannot transfer the private label rights to others
  • Cannot sell Resell Rights
  • Cannot sell Master Resale Rights
  • Cannot sell Private Label Rights
  • Cannot syndicate articles
  • Cannot be sold as a Kindle book (against Amazon's terms of service)
  • Cannot be offered through auction sites
  • Cannot sell or giveaway your license to the content

For full licensing terms, click here.

Never write from scratch again.

Create products, presentations, and coaching programs without writing a single word from scratch...
...and without having to find, pay and babysit expensive freelancers to get the job done.
PLR Products
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Imagine What You Can Do When You Have This Ultimate Done-For-You Shortcut

Have you always wanted to create your own membership site, learning center, or coaching program?

Now you can finally get it done, without writing from scratch. Which means you can get a quick return on your investment since you can get your products to your clients faster.

What kinds of products can you offer your cllents?

Here Are A Few Ideas:

The Ultimate PLR Content Library

Beautiful done-for-you private label content, including: PLR courses, products, ebooks, worksheets, and presentations.
Become a member
  • Access over 18,805+ ready to use PLR coaching resources that you can brand as your own.
  • Download what you need, when you need it.
  • Brand, tweak, and sell as your own. No royalties or extra fees.
  • Create courses, products, webinars, emails, or nearly anything else you can dream of.
  • Cancel anytime.
  • From just $0.60 per download.