The Ultimate August 2025 Content Marketing & Social Media Calendar

August 2025 Content Plan

August is a time of transitions.

In one sense, it's still summer. People are busy with last-minute vacations, trips, and family events like reunions and BBQs.

But toward the end of the month, the kids are getting ready to go back to school, the bliss of summer is almost over, and it's time to hit the grind once more.

Back to Reality

This transition often triggers a mindset shift. Folks are shifting from the slow, vacation mode of summer to the harsh reality of the fast-approaching busyness of work and school. It can be a stressful time getting back into a groove.

Help your clients cope with this time of transition by offering mindset tips and tricks in your social posts, emails, videos, and so on. You can also encourage your clients to integrate a healthy rest-work balance in their lives.

Your clients also need your expert guidance to refocus on what matters to them. With so many moving pieces, they may need help zeroing in on the things that should take top priority.

You can publish content about getting organizing, time management, productivity, and coping with change as your clients shift from summer-mode to work-mode.

Check out the August holidays and content plan below. We've also compiled dozens of ready-made PLR products that you can download and use as your own. No need to write from scratch!

Quick Summary

  • Time of transition. A mindset shift happens taking your clients from relaxation-mode to the busyness of reality. Help your clients prepare for this shift with mindset tips and training.
  • Priorities. Your clients may struggle to adapt to the new routine. Help your tribe to focus on what really matters so they can get organized, manage their time, and cope with change.
  • Healthy balance. Encourage your clients to maintain a healthy work-life balance in their lives.

August 1 is Girlfriend’s Day, a day to celebrate your girlfriend and the happiness that she brings to your life.

How can you use this holiday to connect with your audience?

Consider these ideas:

  • Have a webinar. Choose one of the slide deck presentations below, such as "25 Ways to Tell Your Partner You Care," for some ready-to-go content.

  • Give your email readers a gift appropriate for this occasion, such as a free download of "25 Ways to Romance Your Lady."

  • Record an audio version of an eBook on love, such as "Strengthen Your Relationship With Reflections on Love."

You can find the resources for these projects and more in the selections below...

The first Sunday of August is Sisters’ Day. If you have a sister, this is a day to celebrate her.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by encouraging everyone who has a sister to give her a call and let her know that she's important to you. You could be instrumental in helping some siblings to reconnect and realize how valuable they are to each other!

Post an article about siblings on your blog or Facebook page. Something unusual like "What Frozen Taught Me About Love, Sisterhood, and Snowmen" could generate some interesting conversations in the comments and bring new readers.

Check out these resources for some excellent, ready-made content you can use for your Sisters' Day ideas...

Aug 4
Single Working Women's Day is August 4, a day to honor and acknowledge the single working women in your life.

Even though these women play an important role in our communities, many have low self-confidence and self-esteem because of traditional stigmas placed on single women in the past.

You can engage your audience on this holiday with content geared toward strengthening self-confidence and being authentic.

Consider launching a course today focused on these topics, such as the "Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self" course shown below.

Or, post an informative article on your blog or social media pages about the joys of single living or stress tips for single moms.

Check out these resources for excellent content for your Single Working Women's Day projects...

Aug 6
August 6 is Fresh Breath Day.

Everyone is concerned about if their breath is fresh. As a coach, you could join the spirit of the holiday by giving your audience some information about how to keep their breath fresh naturally.

Good nutrition directly affects your health, strengthening it, and helps support fresh breath. You could put together an informative product about good nutrition.

Speaking of the breath, another related angle is deep breathing to calm you, bring you clarity of thought, and help you manage your emotions.

Also, your breath - whether it's fresh or not - is instrumental in meditating.

Check out these resources below for your Fresh Breath Day content...

Aug 8
August 8 is Happiness Happens Day. On this day, we can focus on making ourselves and others happy.

Consider what activities bring joy to your life. How can you do more of that?

How can you uplift others around you?

How can you, as a coach, bring more happiness to your tribe?

Today is a wonderful day to launch a program about happiness. Most people search for the secret to happiness, so talking about happiness today is both timely and welcome!

Publicize your new program everywhere:

  • Make a landing page for your new program, using an article or action guide about happiness as a free download in return for their email address. Follow up with further info and invite them to purchase your new happiness program.

  • Post an article about happiness on your blog or website, with a link to your landing page.

  • Post a graphic about happiness on your social media accounts, with a link to your landing page.

  • Send out some Facebook ads linking to your landing page.

Happiness is a sought-after topic. After all, everyone wants to be happy. Some people live their whole life wondering how to be happy. Don't let your audience members be like these people. Teach them how to bring happiness into their lives now, and they'll love you forever!

Check out these resources for ready-made content, all related to happiness...

Aug 9
August 9 is Book Lovers Day, a day to celebrate the joys of reading.

You can easily connect with your audience about books and reading on this holiday. When it comes to books, there are many areas you, as a coach, can focus on.

Related topics include:

  • Read more to know more

  • How to get your kids to read more

  • Speed reading

  • Making time to read

Watching videos is a popular pastime. Make a video about your chosen reading topic.

For example, with our busy lifestyles, many people are interested in how to read faster. Use a speed reading article as the basis for your video.

Check out these resources for excellent, ready-made content for your Book Lovers Day program...

August 10 is Lazy Day. Celebrate this day to relax.

You can celebrate Lazy Day with your audience by just kicking back and having a fun sharing day in a Facebook Live session. Learning to relax is a valuable tool for self-care.

Another topic that you can mention, however, is that if they're finding that every day is a lazy day for them, perhaps they would like some techniques to overcome their habit of being lazy.

They might also appreciate some strategies to motivate themselves so that they'll want to get busy and get something accomplished.

Offer your readers a free article download to get started and encourage them to seek further coaching from you for followup.

Use the resources below for some done-for-you content on these Lazy Day topics...

August 11 is Son and Daughter Day, a day to celebrate our children and tell them how much we love them.

You can easily use this holiday to engage with your audience by talking about positive parenting, increasing their child's confidence, or making their home routines conducive to raising healthy, happy, and responsible kids.

Today is a perfect day for any of these activities:

  • Make a product on one of these parenting-related topics.

  • Make a video to generate interest in your product and post it on your blog, YouTube, and your other social media pages. Pictures of happy parents with happy kids can generate positive emotions and desire for your product.

  • Send out an email to your list with a link to one of your videos.

Check out these resources to build a great parenting program for Son and Daughter Day...

Aug 12
August 12 is International Youth Day, a day to celebrate young people and their positive contribution to our society. People all across the world recognize this holiday.

Our youth is our future - for the community we live in and the world!

You can connect with your audience today by setting a positive example and volunteering to help some youths in your community. If you have teenagers, take them with you to encourage them to give a helping hand to someone else and demonstrate the importance of helping others.

Make a video with the highlights of your volunteer day and post it on your blog or social media pages.

Offer a free download to your list members for an affirmation that encourages others to help out in their community.

Check out these resources you can use for your International Youth Day activities...

August 15 is Relaxation Day. Naturally, this holiday encourages you to relax and let your stress melt away.

As a coach, you can celebrate this holiday and easily connect with your audience in many ways.

Relaxation topics like these would be welcome today:

  • The many mental and physical benefits of taking time to relax

  • How to relax

  • How to beat stress

  • Meditation

  • Mindfulness

  • Deep breathing

We have lots of inspirational wallpapers about relaxing. Why not put these onto slides and make a relaxing video? We even have relaxing PLR audios you can use for the background music! Downloading these would help you make a quick and easy program for this holiday, saving you plenty of time to RELAX!

We also have some ready-made slide deck presentations perfect for this holiday, such as "25 Ways to Alleviate Stress" and "Self Care Practices That Benefit Your Mind, Body, and Soul." Brand these with your company name and logo to generate more publicity for your company.

Post your video on your blog and social media pages and you're done for the day!

Check out these resources for your Relaxation Day program...

August 16 is Tell A Joke Day, because everyone loves to laugh!

In fact, laughing is good for you too - both mentally and physically. We all should take advantage of the lighter side of life and laugh often. It would benefit us to make time in our busy lives to laugh each day.

Why not celebrate this holiday by having a joke contest on your Facebook page? You could engage your audience and get new readers as well.

Have everyone tell their best joke. Offer a prize for the person whose joke gets the most Likes, or for everyone who Shares your page this day.

Encourage your readers to stop by your page several times today.

Throughout the day, here and there, post an inspiring graphic about laughter.

Put together a product about the power and benefits of laughter and promote it on your page.

You'll find plenty of ready-made resources below for your Tell A Joke Day activities...

Aug 17

National Senior Citizens Day

August 21 is National Senior Citizens Day.

We celebrate this holiday by honoring our senior citizens, recognizing their importance to our communities, and participating in activities that support them and enrich their lives.

You can connect with your audience members of any age today by talking about:

  • Tips on ageing

  • Self-care for caregivers

  • Relationships with grandparents

  • Tips for seniors who date

Remember - not all Senior Citizens are "old." Many of them live active, vibrant lives. Some have taken advantage of their wisdom from many years in the workplace to offer consulting. Others give much to their community.

Today would be a great day to interview one of these seniors on Facebook live.

Whatever program you'd like to plan for Senior Citizens Day, you'll find some excellent done-for-you content for it in these resources below...

Aug 22
August 22 is Be An Angel Day. This holiday encourages us to help those less fortunate than ourselves, to lend a helping hand to those who need it.

You can engage with your audience and Be An Angel to help out those who need it by having a Question and Answer session in your specialty.

You can do it live or have folks send in their most pressing questions and record a session with you reading the questions and answering them.

As a coach, you might want to mention a related topic as well: just as important to our self development is being able to ask for and accept help from others when we need it.

Check our these resources to help you build your Be An Angel Day program...

Aug 25
August 25 is Kiss and Make Up Day.

This holiday isn't just for romantic relationships, although it certainly applies to them. It's also about forgiving others who have wronged you, whether at home, work, or elsewhere (including yourself, if necessary).

This holiday gives you a chance to engage with your audience over an excellent way for them to set themselves free from many of their burdens: by learning to forgive.

Related topics include:

  • Forgiving yourself for past mistakes

  • Forgiving others

  • Letting go of the past so you can move forward

  • Learning from your mistakes

Consider these ways you can use this holiday to connect:

Have a webinar based on forgiveness. For example, you could use the slide deck presentation, "Forgiveness - A Step by Step Plan for Freedom," for a ready-made presentation. Charge a fee for attendance or not - your choice - it depends on if you want to make a product for this holiday or if your goal is to get more engagement.

In your presentation, offer a free download to the attendees for some affirmations that encourage them to forgive.

Post an inspirational graphic about forgiveness on your website, blog, or social media pages, inviting your readers to the webinar.

Whatever program you decide on for your Kiss and Make Up Day activities, these resources below can provide some excellent, done-for-you content...

Aug 26

Women's Equality Day

August 26 is Women's Equality Day. On this day, we honor women and have activities to support their importance in all realms of our society.

Even though the Women's Movement has come a long way, many women still suffer from low self-confidence or low self-esteem, especially around men. Assertiveness training is a popular topic with women.

If you have women in your audience, this is a great day to engage with them about their concerns.

Put together an assertiveness training product geared towards women.

Have a webinar to introduce your assertiveness product. If you're a man, invite a woman to interview or help host the webinar. You wouldn't want any of the women thinking that you, as a man, are telling them what to do. Instead, you want them to focus on solutions to their concerns, and another woman on the webinar helps in that respect.

Check out these resources you can use for your Women's Equality Day program...

August 26 is National Dog Appreciation Day.

There are many reasons why dogs are called "man's best friend." They offer companionship, can strengthen our health, are loyal, and show unconditional love. They can also earn their keep by being a working dog, such as a police, rescue, or service dog.

How can you celebrate this holiday with your audience?

Consider these ideas:

  • Start this Dog Appreciation Day project ahead of time and spearhead a collection for a local no-kill animal shelter or dog rescue. You could even use a site like GoFundMe if you like.

  • You could donate a percentage of your proceeds for a month or for a particular product. Having a charity project like this often spurs sales of the product.

  • On Dog Appreciation Day, take a picture or film a video of you giving a check to the shelter of all the donated funds.

  • For some extra publicity for your business, contact the media about your project, so they can be there for the donation.

Whatever your ideas are for your Dog Appreciation Day program, check out these resources for excellent dog-related content...

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness Day, a day to advocate for the survivors of a loved one's overdose and to support and help those with addictions.

Addictions are a serious challenge. Many of us deal with an addiction of some sort each day - whether it's our own addiction or that of a loved one.

You can connect deeply with your audience today by offering to enrich their lives with help for addictions or helping them to overcome their grief of losing a loved one because of their addiction.

These done-for-you resources will help you build your program for International Overdose Awareness Day..


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