The Ultimate March 2025 Content Marketing & Social Media Calendar

March 2025 Content Plan

It's three months into the year. Spring hasn't really arrived yet and many of us are tired of the cold, dark, gloomy weather.

Are your clients where they hoped they would be? Are they on track to reach their goals?

It's a great time of year to host a 5-day challenge to get your clients taking action and building momentum.

Helping your audience regain their zest for life can be very powerful during this time of year. You want to remind folks that spring is coming and great things are on the horizon. You can help your tribe create their own joy, independent of their circumstances.

Spring is Here!

As Spring rolls around on March 20th, people begin to feel a sense of optimism. It's a great time to focus on hope, happiness, rebirth, new life, and fresh starts.

Your audience is also eager to get their lives and homes in order with spring cleaning on their mind. You can publish resources about decluttering and organizing your home and office. This is especially relevant given the Marie Kondo “Tidying Up” craze.

Of course, spring cleaning isn't just about a physical space. You can encourage your clients to book coaching sessions or purchase your training courses so they can do some spring cleaning for their mind.

Finally, Spring Break typically occurs in March, which means that kids are off school and many people take family vacations. It's a great time to share content about saving money while on vacation or ideas for fun family activities.

Quick Summary

  • 3 month check-in. The first quarter of the year is almost done. Check-in with your clients to see if they are happy with their progress and publish. Host a 5-day challenge to help them build momentum.
  • Spring cleaning. Publish tips about decluttering and organization to freshen up your space.
  • Mindset reset. Spring cleaning isn't just about your home or office. Encourage your audience to refresh their mind with a coaching session with you.
  • Spring break. Kids are off school and many families go on vacations. Share some strategies about saving money, budgeting, or fun family activities.

March 1 is Plan a Solo Vacation Day. Have you ever considered venturing out alone on vacation? There are many benefits to going on a vacation by yourself, including:

  • You get to do what you want, when you want. You aren't tied down to anyone else's schedule or preferences.

  • Traveling alone forces you to socialize with others that you don't already know. It's great practice to build your social skills, confidence, and self-esteem.

  • You strengthen your sense of adventure.

  • Traveling alone gives you lots of new topics to talk about. Just think of the interesting stories you could add to social conversations!

If you're a life coach, bring this holiday into any of the confidence, self-esteem, or overcoming social fears programs you're presenting at the beginning of March.

If you're a relationship coach, relate this holiday in blog posts or podcasts to the importance of time alone away from your significant other.

As a money management coach, you can relate budget vacations or the importance of planning for vacation expenses to this fun holiday.

The resources below will give you lots of additional material for your Solo Vacation presentations.

Everyone loves to receive a compliment, although many are embarrassed by it. The 1st of March is World Compliment Day, a day to accept compliments and, more importantly, to give compliments to others.

This fun holiday is a time for you, the coach, to ensure you compliment all of your clients, co-workers, and others you come into contact with.

You never know how giving a compliment can change the mood of your client.

As mentioned, some people don't actually know how to accept a compliment, and when something nice is said to them, they will either negate it or think that the other person is saying it with some alternate intent.

The PLR resources we have chosen for this fun holiday aim at helping your clients accept compliments and also give them.

Set up a challenge for your clients to give at least one compliment each day to someone they don't know and then ask them how they feel in the next session.

There's something about "old stuff" that we all love, and March 2nd is a fun holiday where we can celebrate old stuff.

While we can appreciate and reminisce looking at old stuff, it is important to realize that there may be many things we no longer need or use and it may be time to declutter. Holding on to the past is not healthy for your clients.

Since this is a fun holiday, you might ask your clients to begin to declutter and arrange a garage sale, either at their house or at a local community center to raise money for a charity or other non-profit organization. You could further expand on this idea if you were to work with a local event company to create an "old stuff day" charity auction.

The brandable products for today's holiday include resources covering decluttering and about living a simple life.

Mar 3

I Want You to be Happy Day

Making others happy is the aim of the day, March 3rd. Quite often we may focus on our own happiness, and want to share our accomplishments with others, but sometimes we may not listen to others or may take them for granted.

On I Want You to be Happy Day, the focus is on others. This can be your partner, children, coworkers or random strangers on the street!

As a coach, ensure you're focusing on making your clients happy today.

Here's a novel idea for making this a fun holiday for your clients.

Set them a challenge to keep a note of how many people they made happy today, how they did it, and how they felt!

You could also have a competition on social media and ask people for the best thing they did to make their partner/child/coworker happy.

The range of private label resources will help you prepare for the day, by posting articles on social media and your blog. You could take the articles and post tips for making others happy, record a funny podcast, or even a wacky video!

Did you know that some holidays are actually made up?!

Incredible to think, but yes today's holiday, March Forth and Do Something, is one such holiday. However, it provides an amazing way for you to really connect with your clients.

Today is all about taking action, doing something, and moving forward.

Here are just a few ideas that you can use:
Put on a webinar about how to break procrastination. We are now 3 months into the new year, and perhaps people are finding that they're not hitting their goals.

Arrange a strategy session with your clients to create an action plan for the next 90 days.

Create a challenge in your FB group where participants who sign up must make a decision each day. They should make this decision based on something that they've been meaning to do - making a sales call, reconnecting with old friends, the sky is literally the limit.

Maybe now is the time to start a weight loss challenge for your clients who are struggling to get ready for the summer season.

Remember, even fun holidays can be used as a positive learning experience!

Did you know that Mardi Gras translates as Fat Tuesday? When we hear the phrase "Mardi Gras" we think of carnivals, parades, and celebrations. However, there is more to Mardi Gras than this!

In Christian teachings, this date is known as Shrove Tuesday, which is the last day before Lent. The name Fat Tuesday comes from the fact that it was the day to eat what you wished, before the fasting of Lent.

How can you integrate this holiday into your coaching practice?

Consider helping your clients to further develop their spiritual side. You could take an article or two, break it into a series of 40 tweets and post one tweet a day.

Put on a free webinar talking about abstinence and challenging your clients to give up one bad habit for 40 days (or create one good habit over the next 40 days).

This might be the right time for a client to begin a diet, which you could advise them on and also work with them on their self-confidence issues/spiritual journey.

Below you will find carefully selected private label rights resources for you to use.

Mar 7

Employee Appreciation Day

The first Friday in March is Employee Appreciation Day. This American holiday encourages employers to show appreciation to their employees.

It has been shown that employees who feel valued and appreciated will work harder and feel more committed to the company.

Your clients who are business owners or managers will want to know strategies not only to show appreciation but also how to become stronger leaders and bosses.

We have listed a range of brandable resources which you can use and send out to your clients, to put on management training, and more.

Here’s a little known trick…

Reach out to your local Chamber of Commerce or networking groups and arrange a training session for members about how they can build rapport and show appreciation to their staff.

Check out these ready-made resources for all your Employee Appreciation Day ideas...

March 8 is International Women's Day - a day to celebrate the strength, talents, abilities, and many accomplishments of the women in your life. If you're a woman, this is your day!

As a coach, you can celebrate this holiday with your tribe in many ways, including:

  • In your newsletter, compliment your women readers.

  • On your Facebook page, ask everyone to give a tribute about a special woman in their life. This can make for some great conversations!

  • Are you speaking to a group today? Open with a tribute to the women in the audience.

Consider giving one of these brandable products to the women on your list. The men can make great use of "25 Ways to Romance Your Lady." They'll appreciate your thoughtfulness!

March 10 is Mario Day. Who remembers Super Mario, that adorable plumber who was so busy collecting coins and doing so many other things?

Obviously this is another wacky holiday, and you may be asking "How can I use this holiday in my coaching business?"

In fact there are so many ways!

Since many people know of the Mario character, you can introduce this day in a social media post and then ask others to reflect on how busy their day is and give them strategies for slowing down.

If you're a parenting coach, you could arrange a talk in your local school explaining how to help busy parents reduce screen time for their kids. Tied in with this, show them some activities they can do with their children without the use of a screen.

How about starting a meditation group where you meet once a week (either online or offline) and help people reconnect with their inner self for 45 minutes?

You could also create a course (either live or recorded) about the importance of being mindful and enjoying the moment, rather than rushing around all the time being busy.

The brandable resources below are just a selection of items you can use from Content Library to help celebrate this fun holiday.

Napping Day is an unofficial holiday that falls on the Monday after Daylight Savings Time begins in the United States.

Have you ever taken a nap during the day? Do you know that it can help your productivity? Now is the time to encourage your clients to take a nap, too!

Serious, but fun, fact:

NASA conducted some research on pilots and astronauts and found that having a quick nap can improve performance by 34% and alertness by 54%. (Please don't quote this if you fall asleep at your desk!)

Today you can talk to your clients about the benefits of sleep in general, but also how important it is to have some downtime during the day.

Even if they don't take a nap, it's still important to take time to themselves during the day to recharge their batteries.

There are many phrases you can use for today's holiday:

  • cat nap

  • 40 winks

  • Power nap

  • Siesta

Whichever word you prefer, make today a fun, productive day with a nap!

Download some of these resources to share with your tribe today.

World Kidney Day is celebrated on the second Thursday of March each year. The kidneys, as you may know, play a central role in maintaining a healthy body. They act as a filter and garbage disposal unit! By doing their job properly, the kidneys help keep bones strong and keep our blood healthy (amongst other things).

If your kidneys are unhealthy, it could lead to fatal consequences in the long run.

You may be thinking "How can I use the content to help my clients?" And that's a great question. The brandable resources presented below cover the topics of diet, eating well, losing weight in a healthy way, and more.

Use this holiday as an ideal way to introduce the topic of how a healthy mind helps clients to keep a healthy body.

Take a resource from the list below and turn it into a 5-day challenge. For example, "The drink more water" 5-day challenge, or run a webinar entitled "How to relax, Socialize, and Enjoy yourself without Alcohol."

Why not create a Meetup group where people can talk about their challenges when it comes to eating and then offer solutions?

If there's a health shop or nutritionist close by, you could set up an informational talk about the importance of your kidneys and good health in general.

March 14 is Pi Day (3.14). Today we celebrate the mathematical constant pi (π).

As a coach, a wonderful way to relate this constant to your tribe, readers, and clients is to ask them what is the one main constant in their life.

The answer - the one constant that applies to everyone - is actually change. You can always count on things to change. However, even so, most people have a hard time with change.

You can help your clients deal constructively with change by including some of these PLR resources in your programs or social media posts today.

On the other hand, change can be welcome, such as when you want to get out of a negative situation. Focusing on this certainty can encourage a positive mindset of gratitude, hope, and optimism.

Get your community involved and ask your readers to comment on how they dealt with major changes in their lives.

Or, you could just eat lots of pie today. That works too! Send your best customer a pie and you can enjoy Pi day together!

Mar 15

Everything You Think is Wrong Day

It seems that March is full of wacky holidays, and here is another! March 15th is Everything You Think is Wrong Day.

This celebrates the fact that we are all imperfect and have things to work on.

It's not a sign of weakness, but it's about taking responsibility and making incremental improvements to become better.

Today is a great opportunity to encourage self-reflection and challenge your clients about their own misconceptions and struggles.

After all, it doesn't matter if we make mistakes. We all do! What matters is what we do about it.

Here are some ideas you can implement today:

Ask clients to recall something they believed was true but later found out it was not. Then ask them to reflect on their current situation and see if the same thinking can be applied.

If you're a parenting coach, you can use today to help parents understand how their children may think and how important it is for them to learn from their mistakes.

As a relationship coach, you can help your clients realize the importance of forgiveness, empathy, and how each person in a relationship has different expectations and needs.

Check out these brandable resources that you can download and publish today...

March 16 is Everything You Do is Right Day.

This holiday celebrates the fact that regardless of what happened yesterday, today can be great!

In the spirit of Everything You Do is Right Day, today you'll want to have a positive attitude. Spend time with other happy, positive people and they'll naturally uplift your mood.

Do something nice for a loved one or a complete stranger and you'll feel even better about yourself.

Repeat your favorite affirmations to reinforce your wonderful, unique attributes.

Send an email to your list members thanking them for putting their trust in you. Encourage them to celebrate this holiday with you and include a free download of one of your favorite products about positivity. Or, include a special deal on one of your programs that promote happiness.

Browse the brandable resources below for some great ideas.

March 17th is known the world over as St Patrick's Day.

Fun Fact (or myth): Legend has it that St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland on that day and that is why there are no snakes in Ireland.

Believe it or not, there are many ways to use this holiday to help your clients.

You could post a series of articles about luck:

  • Does it exist?

  • Do we make our own luck?

  • How can you become luckier?

St Patrick's Day is known in many places to be a party day, so helping clients to be moderate in their consumption is a great idea as well. You could promote one of your programs to help those who may party too much or have challenges with alcohol or drugs.

Why not create a webinar about how to become more confident without the need for a substance to "prop" you up?

Check out the brandable products we have selected for you and have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day.

March 18, or Awkward Moments Day, reminds us that having an awkward moment is universal. If you're human, you've had an embarrassing moment here and there!

However, these moments don't have to mortify you when you shore up your self-esteem and self-confidence. You can still feel good about yourself - even with a plethora of awkward moments!

Your tribe would welcome a special podcast, video, or webinar today to help them get past those moments.

Another idea: parents would love to know how they can foster self-confidence in their kids.

Check out these private label products that will help you, your clients, and their kids build unshakeable self-confidence in social situations and their everyday life.

Mar 19
March 19 is Let’s Laugh Day. Today is a day for jokes, laughter, and looking at the funny side of life.

Laughter has power:

  • Laughter causes your body to produce endorphins that make you feel good.

  • Laughter forges bonds with others.

  • Laughter makes you happy.

  • Laughter strengthens your health.

In the spirit of a good belly laugh, do something wacky for your clients on your social media pages today. Tell your favorite joke. Post a funny video. They'll enjoy sharing it with their friends!

Check out these brandable resources about the benefits of laughter and how to bring more humor into your life. Download some and spread the word!

March 20 is Proposal Day. What a great day to ask the one you love to marry you!

Speaking of marriage, consider these self-help ideas to share with your audience:

  • Are you ready for marriage? How can you tell?

  • Ways to strengthen your relationship and your marriage

  • How to add more romance to your relationship, even if you've been married for some time.

  • Tips for a happy marriage - how can you keep your love alive and thriving?

You could make a webinar or video series on these topics, and use Proposal Day to either launch the series or end the series with a grand finale.

These resources can help build your program. Pick out some today!

Happiness is important, so much so that the United Nations designated the 20th of March as a day to celebrate happiness.

Happiness isn't about money, fame, recognition, or material goods. It's about feeling the joy of the moment. It's about a feeling of timelessness, not worrying about the clock or the to-do list.

We all pursue happiness, but experiencing true joy and contentment can be a serious challenge. We all go through ups and downs. Stress and conflict. Fear and loss.

But for today, let's try to put that behind us – at least for a day – and celebrate happiness!

Perhaps you could help your clients define what happiness means to them. You could also encourage them to reflect on their expectations of themselves and others and how that affects their happiness.

Here's one way to piggyback off of this holiday...

Today is an ideal day to create a podcast, live stream, or social post that discusses happiness, expectations, mindset, and becoming your best.

Download an eBook or a series of articles below and create a short video, podcast, social post, email or webinar presentation. Then share it with your tribe.

March 20, the March Equinox, is World Storytelling Day. In some parts of the world, it's the first day of spring. In other parts of the world, the March Equinox is the Autumn Equinox. Either way, it's a great day for a story!

Ways you can celebrate World Storytelling Day:

  • Share a Fable with an important moral or life lesson. You can record a video or live stream reading the fable aloud and offering your commentary.

  • Encourage your audience to read to their kids.

  • Send an email to your list that tells a story. Relate an event in your life to your business.

  • Or you can take some "me time:" curl up and watch a movie or read a book with a good story.

Check out these resources...

The third Thursday in March is Absolutely Incredible Kids Day. Celebrate the kids in your life by letting them know how amazing they are!

However, you don't need to wait for this holiday to give your kids a boost in their self-esteem and confidence. Easy, confidence-boosting practices can be done each day!

Greater confidence results in better grades in school. A confident child learns to tackle a greater variety of projects and handle them effectively. They build stronger skills in many areas, including socially.

They're less apt to become a target of bullies or to bully others.

Plus, they're happier, more content with their lives, look to the future with greater optimism, and grow into happier, more responsible adults.

Who wouldn't want all this for their kids?

Today is a great day for a parenting webinar or to launch a program on how to boost your child's self-esteem and confidence.

From general parenting advice to teaching your audience how to cope with bullies, is here to help. Use these resources to provide informative and enlightening programs...

March 21 is Common Courtesy Day, a day to remember to be courteous to others.

Sometimes in our busy society, it seems that common courtesy has become a lost art. Most people are off in their own world on their cell phone and don't even notice others, much less care about being courteous to them.

However, when we keep kindness in our heart and treat others with love, courtesy is a given.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about kindness and the art of courtesy.

Post an inspirational graphic on your Facebook page about kindness, along with an affirmation such as "I Am Courteous." Start a discussion about why it's important to be nice to others.

Have a live role-play on Facebook Live showing a rude person and how to respond to them in a courteous and beneficial way.

Check out these resources below for more ideas and ready-made content you can use for your Common Courtesy Day projects...

March 22 is International Goof Off Day.

Today is tailor-made for extra "me-time." Do what you like and enjoy it!

Or, spend some quality time with your family and enjoy each other's company as you have some fun together.

Or, goof off with your clients:

  • Plan a fun weekend "retreat for a group of your best clients."

  • If you have clients near you, take donuts to their place of business and goof off together for a while.

  • Make a blog or social media post about the importance of having fun. Don't worry about taking any time to write the content - download some of the resources below, post them, and then take some well'-deserved time off.

Enjoy your day of fun!

Mar 29
Worldwide observance

Earth Hour

Most years, on the last Saturday of March, instead of an all-day holiday, we have one hour - Earth Hour - to reflect on the effects of climate change. At 8:30pm in your local time, turn off the lights at your home and business for an hour. Like in the old days, use candles for light. People the world over are doing the same.

Think about how you can live more in harmony with nature and reduce your carbon footprint.

You can help save the planet and, as a coach, influence your audience to do the same. Send out reminders to your list. Talk about Earth Hour on social media. Tweet a reminder just before 8:30 and use relevant hashtags so you appear in searches. This will help you attract new followers.

Here at, we have lots of resources about the physical and mental benefits of nature, and even some on green investing. Pick one of these brandable resources to send to your list or post on social media.

March 30 is Take a Walk in the Park Day - a day to enjoy the benefits of spending more time in nature, as well as the physical benefits of walking.

Today is a great day to connect with your audience by live streaming as you walk through one of your local parks!

Talk about how nature benefits your mind, body, and soul, or simply bring up the holiday as you do a lesson for one of your regular programs. Broadcasting it this way will bring interest and variety to your program as you engage with your tribe.

Self-help topics that would lend themselves well to a live stream of a walk in the park include:

  • The advantages of spending time in nature

  • Weight loss

  • Strengthening your health by increasing your activity

  • Going for a daily walk

  • Walking meditation

  • And more

These resources are perfect for this holiday! Download some today and enjoy1


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