The Ultimate December 2025 Content Marketing & Social Media Calendar

December 2025 Content Plan

It's the end of the year! A time for celebration, year-end parties, family events, and tons of food.

It can be a real challenge for your clients to eat healthy with all the parties and treats this time of year. It's a great time to share content about willpower, healthy eating, and exercise, so your clients are able to enjoy the holidays without completely losing control of their health.

Of course, it's also a busy time of year with Christmas and holiday shopping, baking, year-end projects, school activities, traveling, and more. Help your clients stay sane by offering strategies to manage stress and maintain peace during this often crazy time.

Unhappy Holidays

While the holidays is often considered a joyful time, many people seriously struggle this time of year. Family events can be stressful due to strained relationships, family conflict, or the stresses of holiday travel. While some families are grieving the loss of a loved one for the first time.

It can be very helpful to post content about navigating conflict, stressful triggers, and coping with loss.

Year in Review

If you're in the business of health, wealth, coaching, or consulting, this is the month to shine! Your clients are looking back at the last 12 months and looking ahead to the year ahead. They're reflecting on their goals, the progress they've made, and the ways they've stumbled.

Perhaps they're not where they thought they would be. That's where you jump in!

Encourage your audience to reflect on the past 12 months. What went right? What went wrong? What could be better?

Then encourage them to look ahead. Where are you going? How are you going to get there?

This is the perfect time to offer your private coaching packages, courses, and products. Your clients are looking to make a change in the New Year, and there's no one better to support them along the way, than you!

Explore the other holidays in December below, and make your life easy by downloading the ready-made PLR content so you can enjoy the holidays without worrying about writing everything from scratch!

Schedule your Content

If you're planning to be away for the holidays, take some time to schedule your emails, blog posts, Facebook posts, and YouTube videos. That way you're still top of mind with your audience while you're away.

Quick Summary

  • Health and wellness. There are many holiday parties this time of year, and eating healthy can be a challenge. Post content about healthy diets, willpower, and exercise so your clients are inspired to take care of their health.
  • Holiday stress. Some people struggle to enjoy the holiday celebrations, especially if there's conflict or a recent loss of a loved one. Help your clients cope with loss, conflict, and stress during the holidays.
  • Self-reflection. People tend to look back at the last 12 months and think about what went right and wrong. Encourage your clients to reflect on their year and offer your coaching programs, courses, and content to help them make the new year a big success.
  • Schedule. Away for the holidays? You can schedule future posts on social media, your blog, and your email so your clients still hear from you while you're enjoying the holidays.

Dec 1

Cyber Monday

The first Monday after Thanksgiving Day in the United States is Cyber Monday, one of the biggest online shopping days of the year, with tons of online deals offered especially for this holiday.

Since much of your audience will be online with their credit cards out today, you can connect with them by offering them a Cyber Monday deal for this day only on one of your most popular products. Or, get another product that isn't as popular moving with a Cyber Monday deal.

Share some Cyber Monday tips with them, too, in an email to your list. They'll likely check their email before or while they're shopping. Online security is a timely topic today.

Check out these resources below for quick and easy content you can use in your Cyber Monday projects...

Dec 1
December 1 is Eat a Red Apple Day. Apples taste good and are good for you, so this is one holiday where you can splurge on the "food of the day!"

This holiday gives you some good opportunities to connect with your tribe.

Send a fruit basket with red apples to your best client and wish them a happy Eat a Red Apple Day.

Post a picture of a red apple, or someone eating an apple, on your social media pages to tell your audience, "Happy Eat a Red Apple Day."

Launch a product today about eating healthy, whole foods, like red apples, for optimum nutrition.

Check out these resources for instant, brandable content you can use for your Eat a Red Apple Day projects...

The Tuesday after Cyber Monday is Giving Tuesday. The holiday shopping season has begun with a bang and this day reminds us of those less fortunate. It encourages us to give of our time or money to help brighten their holiday season as well.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by sponsoring a charity drive for a charity of your choice.

Make a video telling your tribe about the charity and your sponsorship of the charity drive. Ask them to donate through your drive. Post your video on all your social media pages.

Alternatively, you could announce that you're giving a percentage of all sales of a certain product during specified dates to the charity. Encourage your readers to buy that product and help your cause.

During your drive, post articles, inspirational graphics, and affirmations about giving and the benefits one receives from giving to others.

Check out these resources below for ready-made content for your Giving Tuesday projects…

Dec 3
December 3 is Make A Gift Day. With all the hubbub and stress of the holidays, a day to relax and have fun creating your own heartwarming gifts is a welcome change.

You can celebrate this holiday with your audience and engage them with helpful ideas to help bring out their creativity.

Make a handmade gift yourself and have a drawing for it on your Facebook page. Invite everyone to comment with their ideas for handmade gifts. Pick the winner from everyone who participated in the discussion. The winner gets the gift that you made.

Start an email series on tapping into your creativity today. Each day for 3-7 days, send out a helpful article or affirmation about creativity to the members who opted in to this series.

Have fun with this holiday! You'll find plenty of instant content that you can use for Make A Gift Day in these resources below...

Dec 7
December 7 is Letter Writing Day. In this digital age, because of texts, Facebook messenger, email, and other message venues, using a pen and paper to write a letter is fast becoming a thing of the past. Letter Writing Day is here to revive it!

You can use this holiday to strengthen your relationship with your best customers! Write a letter to each of your 10 top clients. You can thank them for their business, tell them that you've enjoyed working together, and add that you hope to work with each other in the future. They'll appreciate that you took the time to write to them.

Celebrate Letter Writing Day with the rest of your audience, too. Today would be a great day to talk about the benefits of writing in a journal. (Think "Dear Diary"...)

There's something special about writing things down by hand. You can sort out your thoughts. Issues become clearer. And you can often solve challenges that seem so complicated when you just think about them.

Check out these resources below that you can use for some instant, brandable content for this holiday...

Dec 8

Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

December 8 is Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day.

This holiday is the one day of the year where you might want to travel to the past or future. But, if you make a habit of it, you might wake up some day to find that life has passed you by. That's because life happens in the present. Revisiting your past or worrying about the future are pastimes that cause anxiety and regret.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by helping them to let go of the past and avoid worrying about the future. Meditating, mindfulness, and present moment mindset are certainly timely topics today!

Start an email series that addresses these topics. Challenge your list members to go for 5 days without rehashing the past or worrying about what is to come.

Check out these resources below for brandable, ready-made content you can use for this holiday...

December 10 is Human Rights Day, a worldwide observance that promotes standing up for yourself and your rights.

Learning to be both assertive and resilient will help in this regard. You can connect with your audience today by helping them to build these qualities.

Not only will these qualities help them stand up for their human rights, but they'll also find that they can rely on these qualities every day to enable them to get more of whatever they want!

They'll become more self-assured, confident, and optimistic too, once they see how well their newfound qualities work. Plus, they'll be grateful to you for being the one who taught them these techniques!

Put together a self-assertiveness product and launch it today, while the theme of the day is standing up for yourself.

You'll find all the content you need to make this a quick and easy project in these resources below...

Dec 19
The third Friday of December is Underdog Day.

Today is a day to celebrate underdogs, and you may think that you're an underdog, too. However, it could be that all you need is persistence, determination, and patience to gain the success you desire.

The same is true with your audience. You can connect with them on this holiday by giving them hope. Let them know that they're not doomed to fail. Share inspiration, motivation, and perseverance techniques that can bring them success.

Underdog Day is a perfect day to launch a course on overcoming obstacles! If you don't have course software, simply send the lessons out by email.

Take a moment to look through these resources for instant, ready-made content for these Underdog Day projects and more...

December 24 is Christmas Eve, a time for family, friends, peace, and the joy of the holiday season.

Unfortunately though, the busyness and commercialism of the holiday season has taken over much of our time and resources, making the holiday season a stressful time in our country. Add that to the stress that may be present in our extended family relationships, and it could be tough to find harmony in your holidays.

You can connect with your audience by providing solutions to these concerns. Help them calm the holiday chaos.

Put together a product or email sequence addressing these issues.

Whether your coaching focuses on financial, relationship, fitness, or inner self concerns, you'll find ready-made holiday content in these resources below. Check out the resources for tomorrow - Christmas Day - also for even more content focused on the Christmas holidays.

December 25 is Christmas Day, a day to celebrate Jesus Christ's birth as we partake of the peace and joy of the holiday season.

Since much of your audience will be taking today off, a wise plan is to plan ahead and make your holiday season coaching products available ahead of time.

Keep it simple when you send out your Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays greeting. Record an audio of you reading an uplifting story of unconditional love, like "The Christmas Songbird Fable" below, and post it on your blog or social media page.

These resources below will provide you with plenty of easy, ready-made holiday content for your holiday season projects. Check out the resources for yesterday, too - Christmas Eve - for even more content focused on the Christmas holidays.

Dec 26

Kwanzaa (first day)

December 26 is the first day of Kwanzaa. Kwanzaa lasts for a week and honors African culture and traditions.

One of the articles used in Kwanzaa celebrations is a candle holder with seven candles, symbolizing the seven principles of Kwanzaa:

  • Earth

  • Unity

  • Collective work and responsibility

  • Cooperative economics

  • Self-determination

  • Creativity

  • Purpose

You can connect with your audience on Kwanzaa regardless of their culture or background. Several of these principles are important to the rest of us as well.

This holiday is a great day to share actionable techniques or affirmations related to these principles. For example, you could look at the principle of Purpose and discuss how to find and live your life purpose. You could help them tap into their creative abilities. Or, you can talk about ways to help take care of the earth.

Because the holiday lasts a week, you could send out an email series each day for a week focusing on these principles.

Check out these resources below for ready-to-go content about these principles that you could share with your audience...

Dec 27
December 31 is No Interruptions Day, a day to focus on work, friends, family, relaxing, or even sleeping without any interruptions - no phone calls, emails, other people interrupting you, or anything else that regularly distracts you from your purpose.

You can connect with your audience today about no interruptions day, although it might be best to make a post on your blog or social media page rather than send an email, which can be an interruption to whatever they're doing at the moment - especially if they get a notification every time they get an email.

Distractions are a serious impediment to productivity. Help your tribe get back on track with some timely tips on time management today.

This would be a good day to launch a course or other product on time management.

Or, since many of us are sleep-deprived - partly because of distractions - another good topic for discussion today would be how to get a good night's sleep. This topic has a smaller scope than time management, so a blog post or video would be perfect.

Whatever you decide to do for No Interruptions Day, you'll find ready-made content for it in these resources below...

December 31 is New Year's Eve, a day to reflect on the past year and set goals for the new year coming up.

This holiday is a perfect opportunity for a coach! Whether your specialty is health, fitness, relationships, any aspect of self-improvement, business, money management, or something else, your tribe wants to meet new goals in the next year. And you're here to help them succeed in this endeavor!

There are lots of ways that you can engage your audience on this holiday:

  • Launch a new product about setting goals for the new year.

  • Take a poll on your Facebook page asking your readers what concerns they would like to resolve next year. This could give you great info for future products, too!

  • Share an informative article with tips to help them set and keep their New Year's resolutions.

  • Post some tips about partying responsibly.

  • And many more!

Check out these resources for plenty of easy, brandable, ready-made content for your New Year's Eve projects...

Dec 31
December 31 is Make Up Your Mind Day, a day devoted to finishing up your year with some wise decisions.

This holiday might make some of your audience nervous because they are indecisive. They haven't learned how to make a decision that they can be confident of and that works for them. When they do make a decision, they wonder if they made the "right" decision. So they put off having to make a decision about anything.

You can connect with them by giving them a solution to this dilemma. Teach them how to make a sound decision.

Today is a perfect opportunity to launch a decision-making product. Include some worksheets and affirmations to help them work through their issues surrounding decisions.

Post an inspirational graphic about making decisions on your blog or social media page and link to your product.

You'll find plenty of resources below you can use for your Make Up Your Mind Day projects...


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