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February 2026 Content Plan
Your clients set big goals in January, but a few weeks later, may be finding themselves hitting hurdles they didn't expect.
Maybe they fell off the healthy eating bandwagon. Maybe they stopped the exercise habit they started in January. Or maybe they simply lost motivation to keep going with their healthy habits.
Add in the winter blues and colder temperatures and you've got a month that begs to be forgotten.
This is the time to give your clients hope!
Encourage, inspire, and challenge your clients to keep going. Pull up your socks, dust off the snow, and forge on.
A study by Precision Nutrition reported that those who were 50% consistent with their diet and exercise, still lost weight over the course of the year (women lost an average of 12 pounds while men lost 17 pounds on average).
So it isn't about perfection! It's okay to fall – just encourage your clients to be resilient enough to get back up again.
Plan your content around topics that help your clients deal with these mental obstacles, the winter blues, and discouragement.
Publish videos on YouTube and Facebook that motivates your audience to stay the course – even if they've fallen off the bandwagon a few times.
In fact, you can even consider February a “reset” month, of sorts. Help your clients hit the reset button on their year and simply start again.
Winter Blues
Statistically, February is the cruelest month of the year for those in the northern hemisphere. It's typically the coldest month, the days are still short, and people tend to hibernate indoors.
The winter months causes many people to experience the winter blues or seasonal affective disorder (SAD) leaving them to feel more lethargic or down than usual.
It's a good time to offer strategies to help overcome these seasonal mood shifts due to the seasons.
Valentine's Day
February is a great time for relationship tips and advice.
With Valentine's Day on February 14th, you can offer fun date ideas to help your clients spice up their relationship and forge a stronger bond. Encourage them to do something new and exciting to get out of any relationship ruts they might be in.
Couples want to get the spark back that they had when they first got together. If you can help your clients get that spark, you'll be a hero to them!
For those who aren't in a relationship or find themselves in a strained relationship, you can offer words of encouragement and hope.
Publishing content, videos, and social posts across these timely topics will help you stay top of mind with your clients.
Check out our recommended PLR products for the various February holidays below.
Quick Summary
Get back on track. Many of your clients are struggling to stay on track with the goals they set in January. Post encouraging content that inspires them to get back on track.
Reset month. Give your clients permission to hit the “reset” button and start over with their goals in February.
Winter blues. The cold winter season has set in and your clients might be struggling with a seasonal mood shift. Offer strategies to best cope with these mood changes.
Love and relationships. Valentine's Day is a time when your clients are thinking about their romantic relationships. Share relationship tips, date ideas, love notes, and other products with your clients.
February 1 is National Freedom Day, the anniversary of the date that Abraham Lincoln signed the resolution for the 13 Amendment, which freed the slaves. It encourages us to celebrate the freedoms we have in our country.
You can connect with your audience on this holiday by setting them free from the constraints that hold them back.
Host a webinar with the slide deck presentation "Trapped By Your Circumstances? Here's the Way Out."
Or, look at how forgiveness sets us free, using the slide deck presentation "Forgiveness - A Step by Step Plan for Freedom."
Financial freedom is another timely topic for engaging with your audience today. Launch a product that enables your customers to achieve freedom from their money constraints.
We have so many self-imposed limitations that just letting go of those limitations would allow us to have the freedom to move on and create a life that pleases us.
Check out these resources for more ideas and easy, ready-made content that you can use for your National Freedom Day projects...
February 2 is Groundhog Day in the US. If the official groundhog sees his shadow, then there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't, then spring is just around the corner.
Is the groundhog always correct? Sometimes he is and sometimes he isn't.
Unfortunately, predicting the future isn't a skill that most of us can claim. So why worry about it? This is more likely to cause anxiety than anything else.
Similarly, but going in the other direction, projecting yourself back to the past and rehashing past events usually leads to regret.
The solution to avoid regret and anxiety: live in the present. When you're focusing on the present moment, you can't regret the past or worry about the future.
You can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about these very topics. Post a helpful article on your blog or social media pages about mindfulness and living in this moment.
Suggest that they watch the movie "The Peaceful Warrior." This movie is based on true events and shows the power that a person can harness from living fully in the present moment.
Alternatively, you can certainly relate this holiday to the movie "Groundhog Day." Just as the main character was "stuck" on groundhog day, your readers can get stuck in a rut in their life and are looking for a way to get out. Help them get back on track by sharing tips on getting out of their rut.
Check out these resources below for ready-made content that you can use for your Groundhog Day projects...
February 4 is World Cancer Day, a day to raise awareness of cancer, it's symptoms, how to prevent it, and treatment options.
If you would like to do your part to raise awareness on this important day, there are many valuable things you could do. As a coach, you have influence with your tribe. You could even save a life.
One idea is to offer a course on quitting smoking. Research has shown that it often takes several times before someone usually quits for good.
You could deliver your course through your favorite course software or as an email course, sending out one lesson at a time to those who sign up.
Consider these brandable resources below for cancer awareness content you could include in this day's projects...
In most states of the US, February 4 is Rosa Parks Day, a day to remember the civil rights activist Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat on a bus.
You can observe this holiday and connect with your audience by talking about assertiveness and having the courage to stand up for yourself and your values.
Post an inspirational graphic on your blog or social media page about courage, along with an article with action tips about how to stand up for yourself.
Invite comments. Ask your readers to post situations in which they stood up for themselves or something that took real courage for them to do.
Put together an email sequence on assertiveness and introduce your series in today's post. Include a sign-up box for people to easily sign up for this series.
Check out these resources below for ready-made content you can use for your Rosa Parks Day projects...
The first Sunday in February is the Super Bowl, the final championship game of the National Football League (NFL) season each year. Watched the world over, this game shows the value of great leadership and playing as a cohesive team.
One of the funnest ways to connect with your customers on this day is to throw a Super Bowl party. Invite your best customers and enjoy the party!
If a party isn't your cup of tea, you could still connect with your audience today about leadership skills or being a great team member. And makes it fast and easy, so you can still have time to enjoy the game!
Make a quick leadership skills product with an eBook, worksheets, and affirmations. Post an inspirational graphic about leadership on your blog or social media page, along with an informative article, to introduce your product.
Check out these resources for instant, brandable content you can use for your Super Bowl day projects...
February 8 is Laugh and Get Rich Day. This holiday encourages you to find a wealth of happiness.
You can celebrate this holiday with your tribe in many ways:
Post an article on your blog or social media page about the physical and mental benefits of laughter.
Everyone seeks happiness! Launch a product today with specific action steps they can take to find the happiness they seek.
A third angle related to this holiday, especially if you're in the financial niche, is to share tips on building wealth. Surely, some of your readers would enjoy being a millionaire and would appreciate tips on how they can get there. You can teach them how they can laugh all the way to the bank!
Check out these resources below for plenty of ready-made PLR content on these topics for your Laugh and Get Rich Day projects...
February 11 is Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. This holiday encourages us to leave the past in the past and move forward without regrets.
Connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about forgiveness, letting go of grudges and regrets, or leaving the past behind.
You can launch an easy product with the Regret Free Life collection - eBook, worksheet, and checklist. Add a few affirmations and you have a product that's full of action tips and helpful for your customers.
Introduce your product in a post on your Facebook page. Include an inspirational graphic and an informative article about letting go of regret for past mistakes.
Send an email to your list with a link to your Facebook post.
Whatever you decide to do for Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day, you'll find plenty of resources below for easy, ready-made content for it...
Make a Friend Day is on February 11. This holiday encourages you to go out and make some new friends today.
Certainly, you can celebrate this holiday with your audience by encouraging them to make new friends.
Some of them, however, might think that's all well and good but it doesn't apply to them. They wonder how to go about making friends, especially if they're shy or don't have many people around them that they can befriend.
As a coach, you can come to their rescue!
Launch a product today on making new friends. You could put together an interesting and helpful email series on this topic with articles, affirmations, and inspirational graphics.
See these resources below for plenty of ready-made content you can use for these Make A Friend Day projects and more...
February 11 is World Day of the Sick, a day to pray for those who have illnesses. It also brings awareness for caregivers.
This day is a good day to connect with your audience about a topic that comes with intensely personal feelings. Almost everyone is either battling an illness of some kind themselves or have friends, coworkers, or loved ones who are suffering. Some of your audience may be caregivers as well.
Sharing an affirmation such as "My Prayers Are Heard" with your readers, along with an article with heartfelt sentiments, can bring hope for a brighter future to them.
An eBook, such as "The Prayer Book" can show them how they can pray.
If you have readers that are caregivers, invite them to sign up for an email series on self-care for caregivers.
You can find resources below for these projects and more for your World Day of the Sick content...
February 14 is Valentine's Day, a day set aside to celebrate your relationship with your significant other. Do something special today for the one you love!
Love is in the air today! You can connect with your tribe on this special holiday by talking about what's on everyone's mind - love.
Post an inspirational graphic about love on your blog or social media page.
Launch a course or email series on the topic of love. You might want to focus on finding the one you want, ramping up the romance in your relationship, communication skills that strengthen your relationship, dating skills and charisma, or any other theme related to love.
Whatever you decide on for your Valentine's Day project, you'll find plenty of brandable content to help you complete it. Check out these resources below...
February 14 is Library Lover’s Day. This is a day to celebrate libraries and bookworms. Consider visiting your local library today and checking out a book.
You can connect with your audience on this holiday by encouraging reading, especially if you've opted out of making Valentine's Day products for this day.
Many of your readers would love to learn how to speed read. Post an article about speed reading on your Facebook page today with plenty of tips to make it easy for them to get started practicing today.
Alternatively, a book review for your favorite book would also be appreciated. Post an article about the benefits of reading along with your book review to encourage your readers to read more.
Both of these projects will encourage your audience to visit a library today and check out a book!
See these resources below for ready-made, PLR content you can use for your Library Lovers Day projects...
The third Monday of February is President's Day, a day to honor our country's past presidents.
You can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about leadership. Although probably no one in your audience will become a president of our country, most of them would most likely appreciate tips for building leadership skills. They may want to become a better leader to their family, climb the management ladder at work, lead an effective team in their volunteer endeavors, or become a business owner.
Leadership skills can enhance many areas of their lives!
Today would be a great day to launch a product on leadership skills. You could make an outstanding product by including an ebook, worksheets, handouts, and affirmations to strengthen and affirm leadership qualities within themselves as they build them.
Post an inspirational graphic about leadership on your blog or social media pages, linking to your product.
Check out these resources below for plenty of ready-made content for your President's Day projects...
February 16 is Do a Grouch a Favor Day. Grouches need love too, sometimes even more so than our easygoing acquaintances! Today is the day to turn that frown upside down.
You can make this holiday fun and connect with your audience by daring them to make a grouch smile.
Start a conversation on your Facebook page and invite them to post their results of taking the dare in the comments. How many are able to make a grouch smile? You might get some pretty funny stories!
Throughout the day, post articles and affirmations about being cheerful around others and how a smile can light up their day.
Check out these resources for plenty of instant content that you can use in your Do a Grouch a Favor Day projects...
Chinese New Year is the first day of the New Year in the Chinese calendar. It's also known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year, and the date varies a bit each year. Celebrations can last for days as everyone wishes each other happiness and prosperity in the New Year.
Gifts of red envelopes with money are prevalent during Chinese New Year celebrations. They stand for happiness, good luck, success, and good fortune.
Celebrate this holiday with your audience by wishing them happiness and prosperity in the New Year, too!
You can make them a beautiful eBook with a special collection of affirmations and inspirational graphics that help them to welcome happiness, wealth, abundance, and prosperity into their life.
Send an email to your list with a link to download their special Chinese New Year gift.
You'll find the resources to make this special gift and other ideas for your Chinese New Year projects below...
February 17 is Random Act of Kindness Day, a day to be kind to others.
You can celebrate this holiday and connect with your audience by doing some random acts of kindness yourself.
Take a video of a kindness you perform for someone today and post it on your social media page. For example, spend a while opening the door for others at a restaurant, store, or other business with lots of traffic.
Follow that up with an article about the benefits to yourself when you practice random acts of kindness.
Give away a couple of copies of one of your products today. Post the "winners" in an email to your list.
Ask your readers on your Facebook page what kindnesses they regularly do for others.
Check out these resources below for ready-made content that you can use for your Random Act of Kindness Day projects...
Research shows that we're actually more productive when we do one task at a time rather than multitask. Try it out! Take advantage of this Single Tasking Day to focus on only one thing at a time, do it quickly, and then move on to the next thing.
You can celebrate this holiday with your audience by encouraging them to do only one task at a time, too.
Single tasking has many benefits. For example, to keep from having to multitask, you can learn to delegate some of your tasks to others. As a result, you might be better able to organize you life into a more pleasing work/life balance.
Understanding how this process can benefit them can garner a lot of interest from your audience. Make a video explaining the process and what's in it for them.
Send an email to your list with an article like "The Truth About Media Multitasking."
Post an affirmation like "I Don't Have to Do Everything and Be Everything" on your social media page. Many will identify with this.
Whatever you decide to do for Single Tasking Day, you'll find plenty of relatable, ready-made content that you can use for your Single Tasking Day projects...
The 26th of February is Tell A Fairy Tale Day, a day to enjoy stories, whether you're reading, listening, or telling them to others.
As a coach, storytelling can be a useful way of helping your clients because we're hardwired to listen to stories.
When we hear a story about someone who is like us, we tend to listen better and imagine ourselves in the story. This can bring healing, peace, or confidence in a deeply therapeutic way.
Within the Content Library you will find dozens of powerful fables with a relevant moral and an accompanying reflection.
Consider these ideas:
Download a done-for-you fable, and then copy and paste it into your email newsletter or Facebook post.
Alternatively, you can record a video reading the fable and reflection aloud.
You'll find plenty of ready-made stories for these projects below...
February 27 is No Brainer Day. This holiday encourages us to understand that many challenges have simple solutions, if we only allow ourselves to see them.
You can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about finding simple and effective solutions. Show them how problem solving doesn't have to be complicated.
Post an inspirational graphic on your social media page, followed by a an Action Guide such as "Common Problems and Solutions."
Host a webinar - either paid or free - where you give solutions for challenges posed by your audience. Show them how simple a solution can be.
Learning effective problem-solving techniques can help your audience in all areas of their lives - relationships, finances, overcoming obstacles to their goals, and many more.
Check out these resources below for ready-made content you can use for your No Brainer Day projects...
February 28th is Public Sleeping Day. This is a day to sleep outdoors and appreciate the nature all around you.
As a coach, you can use this day to remind your clients how important it is to sleep enough at night in order to be able to function at 100% capacity.
Many avoidable situations stem from not having had a good night's sleep. When your clients are tired they may get easily annoyed, irritable, or crave unhealthy treats and drinks, leading to weight gain.
The PLR products we have selected for this wacky holiday will help you share content and social posts that celebrate the benefits of sleeping.
Here's a crazy idea for you:
Host a live stream with your clients, where you give sleep advice while dressed in your PJs.
Whatever you decide on for your Public Sleeping Day projects, you'll find plenty of ready-made content for it in the resources below...
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