The Ultimate January 2026 Content Marketing & Social Media Calendar

January 2026 Content Plan

January is brimming with excitement and enthusiasm!

It's the beginning of the year and your clients are motivated by a fresh start. They have high hopes to finally achieve their dreams or bounce back after a tough year.

Your clients are setting New Year's Resolutions to lose weight, achieve lofty goals, get organized, develop new relationships, or finally land that dream job. They're also reflecting on the previous year, their successes and failures, and how they can improve in the year ahead.

Self-Improvement through Self-Reflection

This month, focus on publishing content that encourages self-reflection as well as content that inspires change, action, habit building, and overcoming challenges.

Your goal is to challenge your clients to be the best version of themselves. By publishing content around these subjects, your content is more likely to resonate with your clients.

For example, you can help your clients confront the obstacles and mental blocks that held them back the previous year, so they can finally achieve breakthroughs and positive change.

You can also prepare them for the upcoming resistance that awaits them in the weeks ahead as they push through the obstacles and setbacks that we all go through on the road to a lasting change.

We also put together a list of several done-for-you coaching resources and ready-made products that you can download, edit, and publish as your own.

You can find each of these recommended PLR products under each holiday below.

Quick Summary

  • New beginnings. January is a time of new beginnings and your clients are looking to become better versions of themselves. Help them achieve this by publishing inspirational content that challenges and motivates them to make incremental improvements.
  • Self-reflection. Publish content that encourages self-reflection to help them identify their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity from the last 12 months.
  • Overcome the resistance. When trying to achieve their resolutions and goals, your clients will inevitably encounter roadblocks. Share videos, emails, and social posts that offer strategies to overcome these challenges.

January 1 is New Year's Day, a day full of hope for better things to come. Last year is now in the past as the new year rises up to greet you! What will you do with this year?

You can engage with your audience by asking them the same question!

What are their hopes and dreams? What do they plan to do this year to make them happen? How can you help them do that?

Today is a great day to have a discussion on your Facebook page with your readers. Post a helpful article about making New Year's resolutions or setting goals. Ask your readers to comment with their goals for the new year. Then, ask them what they can do today to get started on those goals.

Launching a product about how to set and achieve goals would also be a timely solution to a challenge that's on everyone's mind today.

Or, you could make some custom email sequences to address specific common resolutions, such as how to quit smoking, how to lose weight, how to conquer an addiction, and others. Let your readers sign up for their own "custom" email sequence.

Check out these resources below for ready-made content for your New Year's Day projects...

January 1 is Polar Bear Plunge Day. Do you dare to accept the challenge and jump into the freezing waters of your local lake, river, or seaside?

You can celebrate this holiday with your tribe by talking about building toughness, grit, and courage or taking risks. You might be surprised how many in your audience would love to build some courage!

Today would be a great day to make a video showing your own courage! If you take the Polar Bear Plunge, record it for posterity and share it with your readers. Or, jump in on Facebook live.

Alternatively, you could also share any of your experiences that took courage for you to get through them.

Post an inspirational graphic, such as "Life is Either a Daring Adventure or Nothing," on your social media pages.

Check out these resources below that you can use for easy, ready-to-go content for your Polar Bear Plunge Day projects...

January 3 is Festival of Sleep Day, a day to sleep as much as you want.

You can engage your audience today (if they're not asleep) by talking about sleep - how to sleep well, how much sleep we need, better sleeping when you have a cold, how to set up your bedroom for better sleep, dealing with insomnia, the benefits of naps, and more.

What a great day to make a relaxing, sleep-inducing video for your tribe! Use peaceful images with calming music in the background. Read an affirmation about sleep. Post your video on your blog or social media pages.

Whatever project you decide to do for Festival of Sleep Day, you'll find plenty of brandable, ready-made content for it in these resources below...

January 4 is Trivia Day, a day for sharing facts, figures, and details that others might not know.

You can celebrate this holiday with your audience by sharing trivia about your specialty. As an expert, you surely know tons of details about your field that you could use to enlighten your tribe.

You could use these details to stir up curiosity about upcoming products.

Another type of trivia that could increase your sales is information about which of your products are the most popular among your audience. When someone hears about something others like, the herd mentality encourages them to want that product as well.

Check out these resources below for ready-made content that you can use for your Trivia Day projects. Fact sheet handouts are popular coaching products and relate well to this holiday.

January 9 is Word Nerd Day. This holiday encourages us to increase our vocabulary and use the good words we know.

Increasing our vocabulary (including learning other languages) benefits us in many ways, such as keeping our brain active for stronger health and making our communication more effective so we can enhance our personal and business relationships.

Simply put, a versatile vocabulary used effectively can help us get what we want more often!

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by encouraging them to learn new words and practice using their words effectively.

Start a "Word of the Day" series on your blog or Facebook page, using words from your specialty. Once started, you don't even have to post a new word each day, unless you want to. Simply, every so often, make a post with a "Word of the Day."

Share a handout to your list or make a video of loving words to say to your partner or kids.

Launch a specialty communication product, such as "How to Talk So Others Will Listen." Everyone wants to be heard when they talk. Make this happen for your clients.

You'll find brandable, ready-made content for these projects and more below for your Word Nerd Day activities...

January 10 is Cut your Energy Cost Day. This holiday encourages you to be good to the earth by cutting your energy consumption.

Speaking of being good to the earth, there are many other things you can do as well to "go green."

Today is a great day to connect with your audience about going green:

  • Make a video about the beauties of nature and what your readers can do to help keep it that way. Include some pictures of lovely nature scenes. To make it easy, you can just read an article about going green as you go through the slideshow of nature scenes.

  • Start an email series with tips for going green while you save money.

  • Post a picture of a beautiful nature scene on your blog or Facebook page, along with an informative article about green investing.

Check out these resources below for ready-made "green" content for your Cut Your Energy Costs Day projects...

The second Monday in January is Clean Off Your Desk Day. This holiday encourages you to organize your work space, so you can enjoy increased focus and productivity at your job.

You can celebrate this holiday with your audience by posting an inspirational graphic, such as a clean or messy desk, on your social media page with a reminder that today is Clean Off Your Desk Day. Include an informational article about the benefits of a clean, uncluttered work space or how to declutter.

You could also relate this holiday to decluttering your life or mind. There are even more benefits than increased productivity, such as being able to live a more fulfilling life. Once they finish cleaning off their desk, your readers could continue to take action that helps them to create a life that pleases them.

An email sequence would be effective in taking them from cleaning off their desk to decluttering the rest of their life.

Check out these resources below for ready-made content you can use for your Clean Off Your Desk Day projects...

January 13 is Make your Dreams Come True Day, a day made for taking a definitive step toward creating the life you desire.

Everyone has dreams! You can connect with your audience today by encouraging them to take action to make those dreams a reality.

What a perfect day to launch a course on this very subject!

For something a bit different, consider doing a paid webinar or podcast with downloadable worksheets for the participants, so they can get started taking action toward their dreams today.

What has stopped your readers from pursuing their dreams? You could take a preliminary poll on your Facebook page or ask your list members to "hit reply" on an email and tell you their largest obstacle.

Then, gear your course or webinar toward a solution for the most prevalent obstacle. For example, you could choose creating their goals, overcoming obstacles, inspiration, developing the confidence to go after their dreams, or other related topics.

Whatever project you decide to do for Make Your Dreams Come True Day, you'll find plenty of instant PLR content for it in these resources below...

Jan 14
January 14 is Organize Your Home Day. This holiday encourages us to organize our home in a way that serves us, rather than distracts or holds us back.

These same concepts also relate to our minds, our life as a whole, and the rest of our environment. When you get rid of clutter, you're better able to create a life that fulfills you.

You can celebrate this holiday with your tribe by helping them to focus on reducing or eliminating the clutter that's getting in their way. A topic that's very appropriate for this holiday is also time management. Effective time management will help them say goodbye to their clutter and organize their life.

Today is a great day to launch a product on effective time management. Include a report, worksheets, affirmations, and a time management journal for a unique, effective, solution-based product.

Although such a value-filled product sounds like a lot of work, you can make it easy with instant, ready-made resources. Check out these brandable resources below to put together your Organize Your Home Day projects...

January 16 is Nothing Day, a day to do nothing at all.

Even though this is a day to do nothing, you can still connect with your audience over nothing!

Try these ideas:

  • Post a blank graphic on your social media page, referring to the fact that it's Nothing Day. Include an article about relaxing.

  • On the other hand, for those in your audience who tend to turn every day into a Nothing Day, perhaps they would like some tips about overcoming laziness.

  • Alternatively, you could talk about meditating, since you try to clear your mind of all thoughts (in other words - nothing is on your mind) when you meditate. So Nothing Day is a perfect day to educate your tribe about meditating. You could post a meditative audio or video on your blog or social media page to help them with the process.

Check out these ready-made, brandable resources below for your Nothing Day projects...

January 17 is Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day, a day when many give up on their New Year's resolutions - if they haven't already given up on them!

How could you, as a coach, connect with your audience on this holiday?

Show them how to keep those resolutions, instead, so they can be proud of themselves and enjoy the good year that they planned for!

Offer special coaching sessions for the purpose of setting up a customized plan for keeping their resolutions. Put them on a "dime sale" (where the price goes up a bit after each sale) and link to your calendar - first come, first served!

Launch a course, such as "The Success Brain" or "Overcoming Obstacles" and host a webinar today to introduce your course.

You'll find resources below for these projects and more. Get your ready-made content for Ditch New Year's Resolution Day today and make it a great year for your business!

January 17 is Kid Inventors’ Day (KID). This holiday encourages you to help the kids in your life learn to think outside the box. For example, with technology growing so quickly, fields like robotics can engage children and fuel their imagination for what is possible.

You can connect with your audience today by talking about the kids in their lives. Your audience may include parents, teachers, aunts, uncles, social workers, siblings to little ones, or anyone else who's around children on a regular basis.

Consider these ideas:

Start a discussion on your Facebook page. Ask your readers what qualities they would encourage to help their kids think outside the box.

Launch an email series devoted to instilling these qualities. You can use the series as a way to increase your list or make it a paid product.

Share an article such as "A Parent's Guide to Encouraging Self-Motivation for Kids."

Check out these resources below for instant content you can use for your Kid Inventors Day projects...

The third Sunday in January is World Religion Day, a day to reflect on spirituality and religion, regardless of your faith.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about spirituality. Spirituality doesn't depend on any religion in particular, but increasing one's spirituality often makes life easer and brings greater fulfillment. Many people rely on their spirituality or their faith to be able to tap into their greatest strengths and make it through troubled times. Spirituality can bring out the best in you.

Consider these ideas to celebrate World Religion Day with your audience:

  • Host a webinar using a presentation such as "15 Surprising Ways to Live More Spiritually."

  • Share an affirmation like "I nourish my spirit."

  • If you do business coaching, give your business owners a handout such as "7 Ways to Use Your Spirituality to Help Your Business Thrive."

Check out these resources below for more ideas and ready-made content you can use to connect with your tribe on World Religion Day...

The third Monday of January is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Naturally, this holiday honors Martin Luther King Jr. and encourages us to live our lives with honor, courage, integrity, racial equality, and peace, as these are the very qualities that he modeled so superbly.

You can celebrate this holiday with your audience by encouraging them to walk in peace while having the courage to speak up for themselves and their values.

Share an affirmation with them, such as "I Plant the Seed of Equality and Reap Harmony" or "I Stand Up for Myself in All Circumstances."

Post an inspirational graphic such as "I live my life with courage" on your social media page, along with an article about how to build courage.

Launch a product about how to develop assertiveness.

You can find ready-made content for these projects and more for Martin Luther King Jr. Day in these resources below...

January 23 is Handwriting Day. There are many benefits to writing things out by hand, and this fun holiday encourages you to try it out.


  • Journaling

  • Writing love notes to the special someone in your life

  • Writing your own affirmations

There are many ways you can connect with your tribe on this holiday!

Send a handwritten note to your 25 best customers. Thank them for their business and send best wishes to them and their family.

Send an email to your list with an article about the benefits of writing in a journal. Then, offer journals for sale.

Post an article on your blog about how to write their own affirmations.

Check out these resources below for ready-made content you can use for your Handwriting Day projects...

January 24 is Compliment Day, a day to give and receive compliments.

At home, compliment your partner and kids. At work, compliment your coworkers. When you're out and about, compliment strangers for things they help you with or even let them know when you like their outfit, shoes, purse, or tie.

You'll finish the day feeling great about yourself and kinder toward others.

Many of us are able to give compliments, but we balk when it comes to receiving compliments. Often, our response is to make light of or belittle the very thing we're being complimented for. When you learn to take compliments with grace and appreciation, you strengthen your self-esteem and confidence.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by talking about these concepts of giving and receiving compliments. Your readers will likely appreciate a solution for those awkward moments when they're not sure how to show their appreciation or receive compliments.

Post an inspirational graphic on your social media page about giving or receiving compliments, along with an affirmation that helps encourage them to receive compliments easily and enjoy the benefits.

Check out these resources for more ideas and instant content for your Compliment Day projects...

January 25 is Opposite Day, a day to do everything totally opposite of the normal way of doing things.

As a coach, you can celebrate this holiday with your audience by encouraging them to do the opposite of what everyone else does.

For example:

  • Most people don't set goals, or, if they do, they don't write them down. But your readers can take advantage of this day to set some power goals, write them down, and post them where they can see them each day.

  • Most people fail to take action to reach their goals. But your readers can take the first step today.

  • Most people let any obstacle stop them from reaching their goals. But your readers can learn how to overcome obstacles.

  • As a result, most people never create a life that pleases them. But your readers can learn to create whatever life they desire!

So, as you can see, doing what most people do doesn't lead to a satisfying life. Doing the opposite, however, can bring joy and happiness to your readers.

Today would be a perfect day to launch a course on setting and achieving goals or overcoming obstacles.

If you're in the mood for live streaming today, a great story for Opposite Day is "The New Lodge Fable," a story about a beaver that did the opposite of what others did, with great results for everyone.

Consider these resources below for easy, ready-made content you can use for these Opposite Day projects and more...

January 26 is Spouse's Day, a day to celebrate your spouse or life partner.

How can you connect with your tribe today?

Here's a novel idea:

Make a "Celebrate Your Partner" wall on your website. Invite your list members to send in a picture of them with their spouse or partner. Have everyone reply to your email with one thing that they appreciate about their partner, even if they don't send a picture.

Assemble the pictures and comments into a collage for the wall - similar to a vision board, but instead of dreams, it celebrates the life partners of your readers. Put an affirmation such as "I Have a Wonderful Partner" in the middle, with the pics and comments all around.

People enjoy being part of a group and fun projects like these bring your community of customers together. They also show that you care about your tribe. Together, they create reader engagement and more sales of your products.

Check out these resources below for more ideas and instant, brandable content for your Spouses Day projects...

April 1 is also Fun at Work Day. So, even if you can't play pranks at work, you can still have fun.

Laughter is important to us, both physically and mentally. Just because you're at work doesn't mean you need to leave your sense of humor at the door when you come in.

Laughter also lightens the mood in the office and helps make the employees happier. And, happier employees are more productive and conscious of making the clients happy. So laughter is a win-win protocol at the office. Both the employees and the business benefit.

How can you engage your audience on this holiday and encourage them to laugh more?

Develop a product about the benefits of laughter, both in and out of the workplace. Everyone is seeking happiness. Let your audience know that laughter is a natural lead-in to the happiness they seek.

Make a video to introduce the product. Open with a good joke to catch your audience's attention and get them to want to hear more. We have many products that would make a great video about the power of laughter.

Check out these resources...

January 28 is Data Privacy Day. This holiday encourages you to become aware of the importance of safeguarding your privacy and learn how to protect your data. Unfortunately, criminals who steal your private data such as banking information, documents that reveal your identity, and medical info - and even sell them - are rampant in today's society.

You can connect with your audience today by sharing information that will help to keep them and their data safe.

Post an informative article on your blog or social media page with action tips that they can take to keep their data private and out of the hands of criminals.

Take steps on your own to safeguard the privacy of your clients by increasing the security of your website and any data that you keep on them. Let your list members know that their privacy is important to you.

Check these resources below for easy, ready-made content that you can use for your Data Privacy Day projects...

January 29 is Puzzle Day, a day for boosting your brainpower by solving puzzles.

You can celebrate this holiday and enjoy fun and engagement with your readers by having a Puzzle Day on your Facebook page. Throughout the day, post some riddles or puzzles to solve. You can even have prizes for the first to post the correct answer in the comments. However, make a rule that each puzzle must be up a certain amount of time before any answers are given, to allow more readers time to work on them.

In between the puzzles, every so often, post interesting content about boosting your brainpower. One post could show the benefits of puzzles. Another post could be about boosting your brainpower with brain foods.

Make a video from a slide deck presentation like "25 Ways to Boost Your Intelligence" and post that video as well.

Check out these resources below for more fun Puzzle Day ideas and easy, ready-made content to use for your Puzzle Day activities.


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