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July is often considered a slow month. The weather is beautiful, people are on holidays, and work often slows down. One of the big challenges for your tribe during July is staying on track with goals and diets.
They may have had grand things planned at the beginning of the year, but as they hit the dog days of summer, it feels like it just ain't gonna happen.
Now's the time to remind your clients to go out and enjoy the vacation – then come back feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to kick some butt. It's time to double down on what's important.
Since kids are off school, parents are on the lookout for fun activities to do – camping, road trips, games night, sports, baking, and so on.
It's a great chance for family bonding time. Encourage parents and kids to shut off electronic devices and just be present with each other. For example, you can offer ideas for conversation starters and activities for parents to engage their teens. Share stories and strategies to enjoy this family time and make memories together.
Since July is typically a slow month, it's also a great time to encourage people to try something new. Meditation, woodworking, baking, art, or another new hobby. This helps to boost their confidence and creativity while also helping to discover new passions.
If you're planning a vacation of your own, make sure you pre-schedule your posts on social media, YouTube, email, and your blog. That way your presence is still felt while you're sipping a cocktail on the beach.
Also, while things are slower, it's a good time to prepare for a launch of a new course or coaching program. That way, when your clients are back to reality in September, you're ready to offer your latest breakthrough training program to help them finish up the year with a bang.
We also put together a list of other holidays in July so you have plenty of other content ideas to share with your tribe. You can also download our ready-made PLR products to make your content publishing fast and easy.
Now you can finally get it done, without writing from scratch. Which means you can get a quick return on your investment since you can get your products to your clients faster.
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