The Ultimate July 2025 Content Marketing & Social Media Calendar

July 2025 Content Plan

July is often considered a slow month. The weather is beautiful, people are on holidays, and work often slows down. One of the big challenges for your tribe during July is staying on track with goals and diets.

They may have had grand things planned at the beginning of the year, but as they hit the dog days of summer, it feels like it just ain't gonna happen.

Now's the time to remind your clients to go out and enjoy the vacation – then come back feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to kick some butt. It's time to double down on what's important.

Have Fun!

Since kids are off school, parents are on the lookout for fun activities to do – camping, road trips, games night, sports, baking, and so on.

It's a great chance for family bonding time. Encourage parents and kids to shut off electronic devices and just be present with each other. For example, you can offer ideas for conversation starters and activities for parents to engage their teens. Share stories and strategies to enjoy this family time and make memories together.

Since July is typically a slow month, it's also a great time to encourage people to try something new. Meditation, woodworking, baking, art, or another new hobby. This helps to boost their confidence and creativity while also helping to discover new passions.

Planning and Scheduling

If you're planning a vacation of your own, make sure you pre-schedule your posts on social media, YouTube, email, and your blog. That way your presence is still felt while you're sipping a cocktail on the beach.

Also, while things are slower, it's a good time to prepare for a launch of a new course or coaching program. That way, when your clients are back to reality in September, you're ready to offer your latest breakthrough training program to help them finish up the year with a bang.

We also put together a list of other holidays in July so you have plenty of other content ideas to share with your tribe. You can also download our ready-made PLR products to make your content publishing fast and easy.

Quick Summary

  • Get refreshed, then get back on track. People tend to fall behind on their goals and diets this month. That's okay! Encourage your tribe to take some time off to rejuvenate their mind and body, so they can come back feeling refreshed and ready to kick some butt.
  • Motivate. People are away and works tends to slow down, so it's easy for your clients to get into a rut. Inspire and challenge them to keep pursuing what matters most to them.
  • Fun family time. With the kids off school, encourage your audience to enjoy some bonding time without distractions or devices. Provide some ideas for fun activities or conversation starters for parents to use with their kids.
  • Plan ahead. Going on vacation? Pre-schedule your posts so you're staying in front of your audience. Have some free time? Prepare a new course so you have a new program to sell when your clients are back to the routine in September.

July 1 is International Joke Day, a day to tell your best jokes as you enjoy this day of laughter.

Although this may seem like a funny holiday, laughter has many benefits - both physical and mental! Research shows that laughter can make you healthier and happier.

So you can feel good about making silly jokes or watching funny movies on this holiday because it's good for you!

Celebrate this special day with your tribe. Tell a funny joke on your Facebook page and let the fun begin as the page fills up with everyone's favorite jokes.

Throughout the day, post inspirational graphics about the benefits of laughter.

You'll engage with your audience in a way that brings you closer. You know what they say: "People do business with those they know, like, and trust." Today's day of fun jokes could actually bring you more business!

Download some of these resources to get you started on your International Joke Day content...

July 4th is Independence Day in the United States, a day for bar-b-ques, picnics, and celebrations as we reflect on our freedom and our wonderful country!

Such reflections also bring to mind our personal freedom and independence.

If we're a parent, this day also reminds us of our desire and responsibility to raise our children to be confident and independent.

As a coach, you can ask your audience what their own personal limitations are and offer solutions that will free them from those constraints.

Launching a product to help your customers have a freer, happier, and more fulfilling life is well-timed when it's launched today!

Join your tribe in their celebrations with easy, ready-made, PLR content that is perfect for this holiday. Check out these resources below...

Jul 5
July 5 is Workaholics Day.

Rather than celebrating workaholics, though, it begs the question, "Is that much work really necessary or beneficial in your life?" Most workaholics tend to ignore the other important areas of their lives, so they fall short of creating a life that is joyful or fulfilling.

This holiday is perfect for connecting with your audience about their work-life balance. As a coach, you can help them achieve a more fulfilling balance.

Have a workshop or launch a 30-day challenge about work-life balance. Include handy time management tips to help them get more of their work done faster so they can spend more time with friends and family.

Peruse the resources below to put together a great program for this holiday. There's even a time-management journal to help your customers keep track of their efforts!

Luckily, you don't need to be a workaholic to create your content. Just use our ready-made content and voila, you're done!

July 6 is World Kissing Day.

It's a perfect day to rev up the romance in your relationship!

This a popular topic! It will be easy to engage with your audience on this holiday. Launch a product about dating or relationships today and be the coach that everyone wants to listen to.

Post an inspirational graphic about love on your Facebook or Instagram page, with a lead-in to your new romance product.

Use the "50 Ways to Show Love to Your Partner" as a Lead Magnet for your romance product. Use Facebook ads to bring even more people to your Facebook page and build your list.

Check out these and more resources below to build a great romance program...

Jul 7
July 7 is Tell the Truth Day.

This is a day to be honest with yourself and others and reflect on the benefits of honesty.

It's true that things usually work out better when you tell the truth. Okay, sometimes you might waver from complete honesty in order to spare someone's feelings, such as when you're asked, "Does this make my butt look big?" Most of the time, though, honesty really is the best policy.

You can engage with your audience today about telling the truth.

Consider these activities:

  • Facebook Live: Read an affirmation/reflection about honesty. Offer your thoughts, comments, and self-reflection questions.

  • Start a conversation on your Facebook page or blog. Ask your readers to relate an experience when they told the truth or when they didn't. What was the result?

  • Tweet a quote about honesty and link back to the conversation on your blog or Facebook page.

Check out these resources for some excellent, done-for-you content about honesty...

July 7 is Global Forgiveness Day, a day to put the past in the past and forgive those who have wronged you - even yourself if you need to.

Forgiveness is a tricky topic. After all, many would wonder why they need to forgive anyone at all. The key to true understanding of forgiveness is realizing that forgiveness is really a gift that you give to yourself - not to someone else! The person that you forgive never even has to know that they are forgiven!

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by sharing this key with them and teaching them how to forgive, for forgiving is a hard thing to do unless you've learned how.

Today is a perfect opportunity to launch a product about forgiveness. An easy, helpful product would be an email sequence of articles and affirmations about forgiveness and letting go of pain from your past.

Post an inspirational graphic about forgiveness on your blog or social media pages, with an article such as "Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness." Link to your product signup page.

You'll find resources for these projects and more below for ready-made, brandable content you can use for your Global Forgiveness Day projects...

July 11 is World Population Day, a day to celebrate our right to plan for our own family.

There's a lot to plan for when you start or add to your family!

Planning for a baby includes:

  • Financial aspects of having a baby

  • Mental and physical health aspects of pregnancy

  • Time management for new parents

  • Bottle feeding or breast feeding?

  • Helping the kids adjust to having a new baby in the house

  • And so much more!

Although your audience might not have World Population Day on their mind, they would appreciate any information you could offer if they're expecting or contemplating having a baby!

Why not launch a product today about planning for a new baby?

Use these resources to put together a valuable baby-preparation program...

July 11 is Cheer up the Lonely Day.

How can we make others smile? Smiling first and having a positive attitude go a long way toward cheering up those around us. Both the smile and the attitude are contagious!

But what if you're the one who's lonely? Luckily, there are many things you can do to manage your emotions and reconnect with others.

You can celebrate this holiday and engage with your audience by offering self-help information on either of these topics.

Today is a great day for a webinar about getting past loneliness. At the end, you could provide a 30-day challenge for making new friends.

Or you could go with the topic about smiling, having a positive attitude, and being cheerful in order to cheer up others. The challenge topic in this case would be to keep track of how many people you can uplift each day. Friends, family, coworkers, and strangers - they all count!

Check out these resources for some excellent content to use for this holiday...

July 12 is Simplicity Day, a day to honor Henry David Thoreau and his philosophy of simple living.

Simplicity, minimalism, and mindfulness go hand-in-hand to help you create a life that you find fulfilling.

As a coach, you can connect with your audience by giving them something that can make their life more joyful! Making simplicity, minimalism, or mindfulness a habit is a perfect way to make each day a great day.

Introduce these topics and their benefits to your tribe. Invite them to sign up for an email series. Tell your list members, blog readers, and social media followers. Send out some Facebook ads.

Then, send an email each day for a week or 10 days with more information or activities to help your customers integrate these habits into their daily lives.

Check out these resources below for some ready-made, brandable content you can use for this program...

July 13 is Embrace Your Geekness Day.

As they say, "this is the age of the geek." However, you don't have to be a geek to celebrate this day - celebrate your uniqueness, whatever makes you YOU!

You can connect with your audience today by encouraging them to be authentic. Help them set themselves free by embracing who they really are. Let them know that they are good enough just the way they are!

Today is a great day to launch a product or course about self-acceptance, authenticity, or confidence.

Check out our popular course: "Becoming Your Beautiful, Authentic Self." It's perfect for this holiday.

See the many other resources below that you can also use to put together a unique product for Embrace Your Geekness Day...

Jul 19
July 19 is Stick Out Your Tongue Day.

For this holiday, you could go to Tibet, where sticking out your tongue is part of being polite to others.

However, regardless of the holiday, in most cultures if you stick out your tongue at someone, they'll think that you're being horribly rude.

So, as a coach, how could you use this holiday to engage with your audience?

You could ask them, "Wouldn't you rather attract others to you instead of pushing them away?" And launch a product about attracting people that you really want into your life, or how to become more charismatic.

Or, since we use our tongues to talk, you could talk about effective communication skills. Teach them how to talk so others will want to hear what they have to say!

Either way, the conversation would provide ideas that your customers would welcome. After all, who wouldn't enjoy being more charismatic?

Check out these done-for-you resources below to build your product or "thought for the day..."

July 21 is Junk Food Day.

Instead of eating junk food on this holiday, perhaps it would serve you better to reflect on junk food and what happens in your body when you eat it - especially when you rely on it as your main food source.

As they say, "You are what you eat."

Connect with your audience about junk food today. Ask them to choose which set of effects they would welcome into their lives:

Strong health, slower aging, increased energy, clarity of mind, longer life, and upbeat mood


Chronic disease, shorter lifespan, muddled thinking, and dealing with "the blues" on a regular basis

The answer is clear which effects anyone would want. Eating nutritiously gives you the first set of effects while eating junk food brings you the second set.

This holiday is a great day to launch a 5-day challenge about avoiding junk food. You could announce it today and start it tomorrow, so your customers would have this holiday to eat junk food before they start the challenge tomorrow.

During the challenge, you could talk about many related topics, such as:

  • The mental and physical benefits of eating well

  • How to read nutrition labels

  • Foods to avoid

  • Tips and tricks to make this challenge a success

Use these resources for excellent, ready-made content to include in your Junk Food Day programs...

July 26 is Uncle and Aunt Day, a day to honor uncles and aunts and acknowledge their importance in your family.

How can you use this holiday to connect with your audience? You could talk about extended family and the benefits they can bring to your life.

Consider these ideas:

  • Post a story on your Facebook page about a cherished uncle or aunt in your own life.

  • Send an email to your list with this same personal story or introduce the story and then put a link to the Facebook post.

  • Post an inspirational graphic about family on your Instagram page.

  • Share an affirmation/reflection about family love with your tribe.

Check out these resources for some quick, brandable content you can share with your audience on this holiday...

The fourth Sunday of July is Parents' Day, a day established for honoring parents for all they do for their children and supporting them in their efforts to be responsible parents.

You can engage with your audience in many ways for this special holiday:

  • Launch a parenting skills workshop. You could set it up as an email series over several days.

  • Send out an email for all the parents on your list, honoring their special role.

  • Post a video on your social media pages with pictures of parents and kids, and introducing your parenting workshop.

Check out these resources below for excellent parenting-related content to use in your Parents' Day programs...

Jul 30
July 30 is International Day of Friendship. Celebrated across the world, this holiday promotes peace through friendships. What a great day to spend some time with your best friend!

You can easily use this holiday to engage with your audience. Related topics include:

  • Building and maintaining friendships

  • Reconnecting with old friends

  • A sense of community

  • Accepting other cultures

  • Opening your mind to diversity

Have a webinar about whichever one of these topics you choose. Read a fable about friendship - everyone likes stories. Let the attendees download a package of friendship affirmations.

Your content for these ideas is just a click away! Check out these resources for done-for-you content for your friendship holiday programs...

Jul 30
July 30 is National Cheesecake Day.

Go on - treat yourself to a dreamy slice of a decadent cheesecake on this holiday - even if you're trying to lose weight!

Research shows that you can take a break from your diet and indulge in such luxuries while losing weight - as long as you eat in moderation. Taking a diet break can keep you from feeling deprived and actually help you stick to a healthy diet for the long term.

If you like, you can do some extra exercises to burn off the extra calories so that you don't set yourself behind in your daily goal.

These are secrets that your audience would like to know! Share them with your tribe today in an email or social media post. Let them feel good about eating a piece of cheesecake today!

Check out these resources for related, ready-made content you can use for this holiday...


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