The Ultimate September 2025 Content Marketing & Social Media Calendar

September 2025 Content Plan

The slow, peaceful days of summer are gone in a flash. The temperature begins to cool and suddenly, almost all at once, everyone has a million things going on. Year-end projects, school assignments, sports, after-school activities, and a thousand other things vie for attention.

September is also a month full of transitions and changes. This is a pivotal time for parents, kids, adults, and virtually everyone on some level. New schools, new classmates, new jobs, new routines.

The reality is that most folks aren't ready for the change. They aren't prepared for the speed at which everything starts moving.

Some of your clients may have children who are struggling with the idea of going back to school. Maybe they're scared, have separation anxiety, or just have trouble changing routines.

With all this in mind, it's a great time to publish content that helps your clients cope with these changes in healthy and productive ways. Share videos and social posts that offer strategies to help parents work through these challenges with their children.

Time Management and Productivity

With everything going on between work and family, your clients may be feeling overwhelmed as they struggle to manage their time and prioritize life's many demands.

Even if your clients aren't in school anymore or don't have children who are, you can focus your content this month on learning, enthusiasm, productivity, preparedness, creativity, and organization.

Consider creating content that helps your clients get things optimized and in order. We're not just talking about things around the house. We're talking about productivity, getting things done, mindset, and goal setting.

We've put together several content plans for the events and holidays in September. Plus, you can download our ready-made PLR content for each holiday to make your publishing super simple.

Quick Summary

  • Busyness is back. September is a month when things tend to speed up dramatically and your clients need help coping with this change.
  • Transitions can be scary. New schools, new friends, new jobs, new routines. Anxiety and stress reach a tipping point. Share tips and tricks to manage these emotions, fears, and challenges.
  • Get organized. With so much going on, your clients might feel the pinch of life's pressures. Help get things in order with organizational and productivity strategies.

Sep 1
Federal Holiday

Labor Day

The first Monday of September is Labor Day. We celebrate Labor Day by taking a well-deserved holiday from our work.

Celebrate this holiday with your tribe by focusing on stress relief.

For example, make a relaxing video for your audience members to watch on this leisurely day. You could use the "50 Stress Relief Strategies" slide deck presentation with one of the relaxing audios shown below for background music. Make it ahead of time so you can take the day off - while still connecting with your audience!

Alternatively, you can delve into work-related topics like work/life balance, time management, or career change and job interviews.

Whichever topic you prefer, you'll find some excellent content for your Labor Day program below...

September 1 is No Rhyme or Reason Day.

When something has no rhyme or reason, that means that it occurs unexpectedly. It just happens out of the blue - for no reason at all.

How can you connect with your audience on this holiday?

You could talk about any of these topics, as they're all related to something coming out of the blue:

  • How we deal with uncertainty

  • Overcoming fears, worry, or anxiety about the future

  • The joy of surprises

  • Helping others out of the blue (random acts of kindness)

For example, today would be a great day to launch a product about how to overcome worry.

Conduct a poll to ask everyone what they worry about the most. Let them know that you'll address the top worries in a webinar. This will generate attendance from those who are really interested in what you have to say.

Then, after you've discussed some solutions to those worries, introduce your product about overcoming worry, anxiety, and fears about the future.

Or, if you simply want an activity to engage with your tribe, open a discussion on your Facebook page about random acts of kindness.

Check out these resources to fill out your program with ready-made content...

September 5 is International Day of Charity, a day to focus on charity and efforts to alleviate poverty - either in your own community of via an international charity.

Today is a great day to issue a challenge to your readers on your Facebook page. Encourage them to do something charitable today to help someone less fortunate. They could give of their time or make a donation to a charity that resonates with them.

Open a discussion on your page and have your readers post what activity they did today in their charitable efforts. Their comments could give the other readers encouragement and ideas of what they, themselves, could do to help someone else.

Post an inspirational graphic along with an article with ideas for how they could help others.

You'll find lots of ideas and ready-made content about helping others in these resources below...

September 5 is Be Late For Something Day.

While it might be okay to be late for an engagement today, it's also a good day to reflect on why you might have a tendency to be late more often, or have to frantically rush around in order to be on time.

Would your life be more fulfilling if you cut out some of your activities that don't add to your life?

If you simplified your life, you could slow down and enjoy the activities that do add to your life. You could be more mindful of what you're doing.

And you could eliminate a lot of stress!

With such busy lifestyles nowadays, these reflections would resonate well with your audience. Take this opportunity to engage with them and ask them to think about these questions.

Schedule a workshop with activities and solutions to simplify their life and make it more satisfying. You could conduct the workshop via Facebook Live, set it up as a course with video lessons, or even as an email series with assignments for each day.

Check out these helpful resources below for done-for-you content that is excellent for this holiday...

Sep 6
September 6 is Read A Book Day, a day to take advantage of the joys of reading.

Reading has many benefits. It can enhance your mind, bring you greater knowledge of topics that interest you, and encourage understanding of different cultures and the world around you.

Curling up with a good book can alleviate stress.

When you encourage your children to read, you give them benefits that can last a lifetime.

There are many activities that you can do to engage with your audience on this holiday.

Consider these ideas:

  • Read a story to your audience. Peruse our Library of Fables for a great story with an important life lesson related to your coaching practice. Use Facebook Live or record an audio.

  • For your readers who are short on time, post an article on your blog or social media page with tips for speed reading.

  • Send an email to your list with a free download for a handout about how to encourage your children to read.

Check out these resources below, and our Fables Library, for brandable, PLR content you can use for this holiday...

Sep 6
September 6 is Fight Procrastination Day.

This holiday encourage you to look at your tendency to put things off and see if you can find a solution that helps you get things done, instead.

You can engage with your audience today by offering that solution. Beating procrastination, time management, and effective motivation are all topics that can be the fuse that gets them going!

This is a great day to launch a product on one of these aspects of procrastination. You could offer a special report with worksheets or conduct a workshop live or via email lessons.

Having your clients fill out a journal to track their efforts is always helpful. Consider the "Time Management Journal" in the resources below.

Check out these other resources, as well, to fill out your Procrastination Day program with quick, ready-made content perfect for this holiday...

National Grandparents Day is the first Sunday in September after Labor Day.

This is a day to honor grandparents and acknowledge their importance in the family and our communities.

You can engage with your audience today by talking about grandparents on your social media page or in an email to your list.

Ask your tribe to remember special memories with their grandparents. Encourage them to reconnect with a phone call or visit.

If your readers are parents, their own parents are now grandparents as well. How do your readers encourage their children to make happy memories with their grandparents? Do they make time for visits? How often? What could they do to offer greater support of their children's relationship with their grandparents?

Check out these resources below for excellent content you can use for your National Grandparents Day activities...

Sep 8
United Nations observance

International Literacy Day

September 8 is International Literacy Day, a day to promote literacy throughout the world.

You can relate to your audience on this holiday by talking about the importance of education and life-long learning.

One good way to bring this topic to your readers is to post an inspirational graphic about expanding your mind along with an article on your blog or social media page.

Then, follow this up with an email to your list with a link to the post and offering a complimentary download of an affirmation that encourages the recipient to pursue further learning.

For example, you could use these closely related resources for these tasks and relate them to today's holiday:

Inspirational Graphic: "Education Costs Money But Then So Does Ignorance"
Article: "Continuous Learning Made Easy"
Affirmation: "Each Day I Learn Something New"

See how they all go together to get extra engagement from your tribe?

Check out these and more resources to use for your International Literacy Day content...

Sep 10
United Nations observance

World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day, a day to raise awareness of this preventable tragedy.

As a coach, you can do your part to help by engaging with your audience about this important topic. You can provide your readers with tips and actionable strategies that they can start using immediately to help them deal with depression and negative emotions.

Put together a product to help them manage and overcome their challenges. Include an eBook or inspiring lessons, worksheets, and uplifting affirmations to help them from several angles.

Offer your product to your list via email.

Check out these resources below for inspiring content you can use on this important day. This could be the day that you save someone's life.

September 10 is Swap Ideas Day - a great day for discussing solutions and brainstorming with others.

You could engage with your audience today by brainstorming together. Take a poll of your readers' most pressing issues in your specialty and have a brainstorming session on your Facebook page to find solutions for those challenges. Swap ideas freely and guide them with your expertise.

Share action tips that help them bring out their creativity, such as the article "8 Simple Methods for Generating Great Ideas."

Share an affirmation, such as "My Mind is Open to New Ideas" to encourage their willingness to try out new solutions.

You can find these resources and more below to use for your Swap Ideas Day programs...

Sep 11
September 11 is Make Your Bed Day.

Making your bed has a lot of benefits besides having a bed that looks nice!

One big advantage of making your bed each morning is that it becomes a positive habit that leads to greater success and happiness. It's one small success that motivates you to achieve more successes that day. Plus, it becomes a mental "trick" that inspires you to do more.

You can engage with your audience on this holiday by talking about instilling positive habits that lead to your success, breaking negative habits that hold you back, and even productivity.

Today would be a great day to launch a course like "The Success Brain." This done-for-you course teaches the student how to reach success with habits that automatically lead them to their goal.

You'll find plenty of ready-made resources below to use for this holiday, including more resources on habits and productivity...

September 13 is Positive Thinking Day.

This holiday reminds us to acknowledge the power of positive thinking and learn how we can use it to our advantage.

You can celebrate this holiday with your audience in many ways:

  • Make an inspiring video with positive thinking wallpapers. Use cheerful music or read an affirmation about positivity for the background audio.

  • Have a workshop with action tips and worksheets to encourage positive thinking. You can have a live workshop on Facebook Live or make an email series of lessons.

  • Have a challenge on your Facebook page.. Challenge your readers to go 1 - 5 days without negative thoughts. When a negative thought pops up, replace it with something positive. Invite your challenge-takers to comment on their experience.

You'll find plenty of done-for-you content in these resources below for your Positive Thinking Day activities...

September 14 is Hug Your Hound Day, a day to acknowledge and celebrate man's best friend.

Dogs can teach us so many things, including loyalty, unconditional love, and the joys of thinking of someone other than ourselves. They encourage us to exercise. And those who focus on personal growth can learn a lot from studying dog training. Who would've guessed that dogs could be so valuable for personal self-improvement pursuits?

You can even use dogs to engage with your audience, get new clients, and celebrate this holiday all at the same time! Everyone likes a cute dog!

Make a video with an endearing pup and talk about some self-improvement ideas that we can learn from dogs. Post it on your blog or Facebook page and encourage folks to sign up for an email series based on a related idea in your specialty.

Check out these dog-related ready-made resources for your Hug Your Hound Day program...

The third Saturday in September is National CleanUp Day.

This holiday reminds us that Spring cleaning can - and should - be done anytime during the year, not just in the Spring. After all, the benefits we derive from a good cleaning wear off as soon as everything gets dirty again, which is more often than once a year!

Spring cleaning isn't just for decluttering your home or business. Clearing the clutter out of your mind is important too!

Today is a great day to share some tips and tricks with your audience about how to clear out the clutter and keep it that way, both in the space around you and in your mind.

Post a helpful article, such as "Top Ten Ways to Declutter Your Mind," on your blog or social media pages. Add your own comments to make it yours.

You'll find this article and many more resources below that you can use to build your National CleanUp Day program...

Sep 21
United Nations observance

International Day of Peace

September 21 is International Day of Peace, a day to celebrate peace - both within and with others.

Our hectic lifestyles cause us a lot of stress and chaos. Your audience is looking for something that can bring them peaceful feelings - serenity - tranquility.

This is a perfect day for engaging with your audience by catering to that desire for inner peace.

Launch a product today that teaches your customers how to put the peace back into their lives.

Publicize it with peaceful videos that stand out from the noise of everyday life.

Lead a meditation session on Facebook Live to show them how they can slow down their racing thoughts, clear their mind, and then bring that peace with them into the rest of their day.

Check out these resources for stress-free, ready-made content to fill out your International Peace Day programs...

September 26 is Love Note Day, a day for honoring your romantic partner by sending them heartfelt notes of love.

Everyone enjoys being "romanced." Connect with your audience on this fun holiday by showing them ways to increase the romance in their relationship.

Host a back-to-back double webinar "marathon" using the slide decks "25 Ways to Romance Your Man" for one webinar and "25 Ways to Romance Your Lady" for the other.

Make a product about love and introduce it during your webinars.

Have fun with this holiday! Check out these resources for helpful, ready-made content you can use for your Love Note Day program...

September 28 is Ask a Stupid Question Day.

This holiday reminds us that, in reality, there's no such thing as a stupid question! Asking questions is one of the most valuable ways that we learn.

One can learn a lot about themselves by asking questions. You can discover your life purpose, learn your passions, prepare for a job interview, find out if your partner will marry you, and much more by asking questions!

You can engage your audience today by sharing some of the most important questions and answers that your readers might have related to their challenges in your special expertise.

You could make a video of these FAQs, make a PDF and attach it to an email for your readers to download, make a series of emails with each covering one question, or post it on your website or social media page.

In these FAQs, you can invite them to sign up for one of your products for more in-depth information.

Check out these resources for easy, done-for-you content that you can use for your Ask A Stupid Question Day activities...

Sep 28
September 28 is Good Neighbor Day, a day to be nice to your neighbors and help out in your community.

You can connect with your audience on this holiday by spearheading a project in your own neighborhood and encouraging your tribe to do something to help their community too.

Make a video of your project and use it to open a discussion on your Facebook page. Ask for ideas of ways your readers can be neighborly today and challenge your readers to take those ideas and turn them into reality.

Post an article like "10 Simple Ways to Connect With Your Neighbors," along with an inspiring graphic.

Check out these resources for interesting content you can use to engage your audience on this Good Neighbor Day...

September 29 is World Heart Day.

This holiday reminds us that cardiovascular diseases are the biggest killer in our country today and encourages us to take action to protect ourselves with things we can do to prevent becoming another victim of this disease.

You can connect with your audience today by giving them important information that they can use to keep this disease at bay.

Some topics you can focus on:

  • Eating a heart-healthy diet

  • Stopping smoking

  • Weight loss

  • Exercise

This would be a good day to launch a health-related product with the "5-Day Get Moving PLR Challenge."

You can find this Challenge and many other heart-healthy resources for your World Heart Day program below...


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