4% of the adult population have ADHD. This can lead to several problems at home or in the workplace.
ADHD symptoms include:
- Anxiety
- Chronic lateness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Low self-confidence
- Difficulty maintaining relationships
- Deferring action
- Lack of motivation
This done-for-you coaching material can help you assess your clients so you can offer customized treatment plans.
How can you use this handout?
You can repurpose this content in several ways. Keep your website updated. Create handouts to give out at networking events. The options are endless.
Inject your own voice and case studies. Add it to a membership portal. Put your picture and name on the front. Even transform it into a completely different medium: social media posts, podcasts, or videos, for example.
This is why brandable content is so powerful. Your only limitation is your creativity!
By constantly publishing helpful resources, people will look to you for your guidance.
Best of all, this requires minimal work. No more staring at a blinking cursor on a blank page. No more writer's block. It's done-for-you.
Let's put this PLR.me content to work in your business. Download it now and see for yourself.