
Coping With Cravings Worksheet

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5 Simple Ideas To Use This Done-For-You Content In Your Business...
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  • 2. Coach-a-thons
  • 3. In-person workshops
  • 4. Email coaching programs
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Tips & Tricks
Do you work with clients who struggle to cope?

This brandable coaching resource can help you assess your clients so you can offer customized assessments.

How can you use this resource?

Print this content as a supplement to coaching sessions. Combine it with other resources to create a free webinar. Create videos. Compile several resources to create coaching programs And so on.

Of course, you can shape this content any way you 'd like.

Add your personalized touch. Incorporate examples that relate to your patients. Slap your brand on it. Customize every aspect of this in any way you want. content makes it easy.

Download the content, customize it how you want, and then distribute it. No need to find expensive outsourcers to build content for you. Our expert content team does all of the research, writing, editing, and design and you get to brand it as your own.

Note: This private label coaching resource is for practitioners, coaches, bloggers, and professionals only.