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These done-for-you slide deck presentations are designed to accompany the done-for-you love and relationship PLR course - Keep The Fire Burning: How to Build a Loving Relationship That Lasts.
With this done-for-you PLR webinar course, you will help your clients overcome the typical bumps on the road to a healthy relationship so they can forge stronger bonds, rekindle the romance, and enhance the intimacy.
We've done all the hard work for you by converting Keep The Fire Burning: How to Build a Loving Relationship That Lasts text-based course (available separately) into a complete webinar course so you can quickly create live presentations, workshops, and webinars.
We give you the complete slide deck presentations for ALL 35 lessons, which you can customize to your style and personality.
Each slide deck presentation is beautifully designed...
...and you get the full presentation notes for each slide so you can quickly record your own videos and webinars today. Just read the notes and add your own comments.
See for yourself...
This is a complete done-for-you PLR webinar course ready to be customized and launched by you as soon as you get it.
There are 5 modules with 35 total lessons. This isn't some fluffy slide deck with photos of cute kittens, posing as a webinar course.
We took the written course (available separately here) and created 35 PowerPoint (PC/Mac) presentations and added presentation notes so you don't even have to think about what to say.
If you can read, you can present this today.
This is a COMPLETE done-for-you PLR course, ready to be customized and launched by you as soon as you get it.
Here's the breakdown...
Life together moves from the excitement of passion to the routine of daily life. Has it happened to you? In this module your students will learn how the body quits producing most of the chemicals which made infatuation such a high. They’ll explore what happened to those intense emotions. Finally, they’ll learn how they can keep that fire going in their relationship.
In Module 2 your clients will discover how the hallmark of a pleasant living experience with their partner is communication. Each lesson will guide them through several topics to assist them in seeing how communication not only makes life easier, but it also moves their relationship to a deeper level of intimacy. By the end of the module, they will end up with basic and important strategies in communicating effectively with their partner that will greatly benefit their relationship.
Every relationship has its challenges. Frequently, those challenges are based upon misinterpretations and the lack of communication. In these lessons, your students will be able to prepare now for common challenges which can arise in their relationship. This can prevent heartache later. They’ll learn key strategies to get past common challenges, anger, and harmful relationship “games.” They’ll discover some fun rituals to deepen their relationship and keep the passion going.
In Module 4 your students will learn about the different needs people have for personal space. This important information will assist them in understanding or avoiding many tensions in their relationship. They’ll discover how to figure out what’s most valuable to them in their relationship and the important roles of outside friendships, money, and work. They’ll end up with viable strategies to nurture and deepen their relationship as time goes by.
When people hear the word passion, they usually think sex. In this module, your students will learn about the difference between sex and sexuality, why sex drives differ, tips on what turns each other on, as well as some fun sex games. They’ll also learn some tips on how to handle physical intimacy when sexual intercourse isn’t possible. They’ll finish the course with a solid understanding of how emotional and sexual intimacy can work together to keep the fire burning.
These done-for-you PLR presentation slides are the fast and easy way to create a video or webinar version of your coaching program.
You can launch IMMEDIATELY, without writing a single word...
So go ahead and download the presentations slides and get started!
SHOW MORENote: This private label coaching handout is for practitioners, coaches, bloggers, and professionals only.
Some clients get an error when attempting to unzip the file on Windows machines: "The destination path is too long" or "File path too long"
Windows has a known issue when unzipping files. This error is caused when you use Windows Explorer or WinZip to extract files and it encounters a file path that exceeds the maximum character limit.
To resolve this problem, please use the free alternate unzipping tool called: 7-Zip, that can handle long file paths.
IMPORTANT: After installing 7-zip, RIGHT CLICK on the zipped file, then click "7-Zip".
The free 7-Zip software will avoid this "file path too long" error and allow you to unzip the files easily.
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