5 Simple Ideas To Use This Done-For-You Content In Your Business...
1. Video trainings
2. Products
3. Podcasts
4. Physical products
5. YouTube videos
Tips & Tricks
NOTE: The walkthrough video above shows the full course bundle with all course-related resources (i.e. presentations, sales page, emails, lead magnet, landing page, etc.) bundled together at a discounted rate.
These done-for-you slide deck presentations are designed to accompany the done-for-you limiting beliefs PLR course - Crushing Limiting Beliefs.
With this done-for-you PLR webinar course, you will help your clients overcome the self-defeating thoughts that limit them, so they can finally transform their lives and achieve their dreams.
We've done all the hard work for you by converting the Crushing Limiting Beliefstext-based course (available separately) into a complete webinar course so you can quickly create live presentations, workshops, and webinars.
Here's What It Looks Like:
Build A Profitable Video Coaching Program In Just Minutes with these PLR Webinar Presentations
We give you the complete slide deck presentations for ALL 16 lessons, which you can customize to your style and personality.
But this ain't any ol' slide deck...
Each slide deck presentation is beautifully designed...
...and you get the full presentation notes for each slide so you can quickly record your own videos and webinars today. Just read the notes and add your own comments.
See for yourself...
Here's What The "Crushing Limiting Beliefs" PLR Presentations Look Like:
Your clients are looking to overcome the beliefs that are holding them back and achieve greatness, especially...
The newly divorced mom who has been held hostage by her past
The couple who wants to heal from the past and take their relationship to the NEXT LEVEL
The professional whose self-esteem has held them back from excelling in their job
The entrepreneur who's struggling with doubt, fears, and worries
The woman who wonders how to conquer her past and rebuild her life
The man who wants to get ahead in life and work, but lacks self-belief
This is a complete done-for-you PLR webinar course ready to be customized and launched by you as soon as you get it.
Here's what you get inside The "Crushing Limiting Beliefs" webinar course:
There are 16 total lessons. This isn't some fluffy slide deck with photos of cute kittens, posing as a webinar course.
We took the written course (available separately here) and created 16 PowerPoint (PC/Mac) presentations and added presentation notes so you don't even have to think about what to say.
If you can read, you can present this today.
This is a COMPLETE done-for-you PLR course, ready to be customized and launched by you as soon as you get it.
Here's the breakdown...
Here's what you get inside the Crushing Limiting Beliefs PLR Webinar Course:
There are 16 total lessons. This isn't some fluffy ebook posing as a course. This is a complete course broken up into lessons, activities, and 30+ additional resources, reflections, and affirmations.
Crushing Limiting Beliefs: How to Triumph Over Your Inner Obstacles
This is a step-by-step course to help your clients go from doubtful to confident so they can finally conquer their limiting beliefs, and much more!
Lesson 1 - Introduction - What's Holding You Back?
Lesson 2 - I Don't Have Enough Time
Lesson 3 - I'm Too Old To Start Something New
Lesson 4 - Past Failure Means Future Failure
Lesson 5 - My Past Will Always Negatively Influence My Future
Lesson 6 - My Resources Are Limited
Lesson 7 - Lack Of Major Progress Means Failure
Lesson 8 - I Compare Myself To Others
Lesson 9 - I Am Not Responsible For My Current Situation
Lesson 10 - I Don't Deserve Success
Lesson 11 - I Worry What Others Think About Me
Lesson 12 - I Don't Give Myself The Love, Compassion, and Understanding I Give To Others
Lesson 13 - I Can Do Everything Myself
Lesson 14 - I'm Not Smart Enough
Lesson 15 - I'm Not Ready To Start
Lesson 16 - Summary and Reflection - Go Forth and Conquer
Here's How To Use This PLR Course:
Step 1: Upload the PLR course materials (available separately) to your favorite WordPress-based course software or LMS (learning management system)... or upload to your favorite course building software like Thinkific, Udemy, or Everlesson.
Step 2: Add the executive summary (available separately) to your course platform, record a video overview, or send it via email upon completion of your course.
Step 6: Create an upsell for a video coaching program. You can easily charge an extra $49 - $149+ for the video version.
Step 7: Run Facebook ads to the lead magnet or retargeting ads to the course. We created done-for-you Facebook ads that you can optionally download, tweak and use as your own.
Step 8: Send this optional PLR email automation sequence to those who download the lead magnet, encouraging them to purchase the full coaching program... and engagement emails to those who purchase the course to minimize refunds.
Step 9: Host it as a live webinar training series using these slide deck presentations.
Additional Pricing and Marketing Strategies:
Pricing recommendation: $99 - $199+ for the initial course, plus an additional $49 - $149+ for the video version or live webinar training.
Physical product: Print it out and sell this physical home-study program.
Don’t have course software? Just send the modules as an email-based course. Keep it simple and get started right away.
Additional upsells: Create another upsell or a “gold package” that includes private coaching, group coaching, or email coaching.
Bring the course on the road: Run the course as a weekend retreat, transformational retreat, or live event. You can easily charge $500 to $5,000+ for a live event that includes group sessions, private coaching, pampering, and gourmet dining.
The Bottom Line
These done-for-you PLR presentation slides are the fast and easy way to create a video or webinar version of your coaching program.
You can launch IMMEDIATELY, without writing a single word...
So go ahead and download the presentations slides and get started!
Some clients get an error when attempting to unzip the file on Windows machines: "The destination path is too long" or "File path too long"
Windows has a known issue when unzipping files. This error is caused when you use Windows Explorer or WinZip to extract files and it encounters a file path that exceeds the maximum character limit.
To resolve this problem, please use the free alternate unzipping tool called: 7-Zip, that can handle long file paths.
IMPORTANT: After installing 7-zip, RIGHT CLICK on the zipped file, then click "7-Zip".
Here's a YouTube video showing how to unzip a file in Windows using 7-Zip:
The free 7-Zip software will avoid this "file path too long" error and allow you to unzip the files easily.