5 Simple Ideas To Use This Done-For-You Content In Your Business...
1. Transformational retreats
2. Coach-a-thons
3. In-person workshops
4. Viral quizzes
5. Recorded talks on CD
Tips & Tricks
What if you could build an online coaching course that would teach people how to EASILY burn calories and lose that stubborn fat? What if you could build a course that would teach your clients SIMPLE, yet EFFECTIVE tactics for losing that pesky weight?
And what if you could create and launch this course...
...without having to write a single word.
Here's What This Course Looks Like:
Build A Profitable, Powerful Weight Loss Course In Just Minutes
We give you a complete course, which you can customize to your style and personality, including:
3 complete modules, containing a total of 20 ready-to-go lessons
End of module summaries, affirmations, checklists, and reflections to reinforce the application of the material
Custom quizzes for each module to encourage retention
Alternate course titles so you can choose what fits YOU
17+ additional resources and handouts for each module
Each lesson contains a short reflection followed by a specific, tangible action step.
The goal is to keep it short and actionable so your clients can build momentum and take control of their health and fitness after each lesson.
You Can Finally Help Your Clients Get Fit, Including:
The employee working a demanding job who doesn’t have TIME to workout
The stay-at-home mom who needs to BURN calories while taking care of kids
The university student who is eating poorly but wants to get HEALTHY
The retiree who can’t do INTENSE workouts anymore
ANYONE longing to get healthy and shed pounds
This is a COMPLETE online course, ready to be customized and launched by you as soon as you get it.
Here's what you get inside the Lose Weight: Burning Calories Made Easy course:
There are 3 modules with 20 total lessons. This isn’t some fluffy ebook posing as a course. An ebook isn’t a course. (You know what I’m talking about…)
This is a complete course broken up into lessons, activities, and additional resources.
Module 1: The Key To Burning More Calories
Your students will learn that they can lose weight in SIMPLE yet effective ways. There are workouts they can do while cleaning, cooking, shopping, and even watching television. They’ll discover that they don’t have to do high intensity workouts at gyms to be healthy.
Lesson 1 - Discover The Key To Burning More Calories
Lesson 2 - Make Friends With A Fitness Tracker
Lesson 3 - Dance Your Way Through The Day
Lesson 4 - Feel Free To Watch TV
Lesson 5 - Calorie Burning Opportunities Hidden In Your Yard
Lesson 6 - Burn Calories While You Shop
Lesson 7 - Park With Calories On Your Mind
Lesson 8 - Module 1 Summary and Reflection
Module 1 Quiz - The Key To Burning More Calories
Module 2: Working Off Calories At Work, Even If You Have A Desk Job
Most people think the only way to burn calories is to go to the gym. They think that there’s no way they can burn calories at work, especially if they have a desk job. In this module, your students will learn the keys to burning calories during meetings, during the commute, and even while on the phone.
Lesson 9 - Get Fit In Your Commute
Lesson 10 - Stairways To Your Goals
Lesson 11 - Burn Calories While Working At Your Desk
Lesson 12 - Take Advantage of Meetings and Phone Calls
Lesson 13 - Move During Your Lunch Break
Lesson 14 - Module 2 Summary and Reflection
Module 2 Quiz - Working Off Calories at Work - Even if You Have a Desk Job
Module 3: The Exercise Solution - Make Exercise Fun, Easier, and More Effective
Many people absolutely hate exercise and only think of it as a chore. One of the keys to easily burning calories is to know ways to make exercise more enjoyable. Module 3 will teach your students easy, yet effective ways to get more enjoyment and fun from their workouts.
Lesson 15 - 3 Simple Secrets That Instantly Boost Your Exercise Motivation
Lesson 16 - 8 Ways To Make Your Workout More Fun
Lesson 17 - 5 Unusual Tips To Ease Your Workouts
Lesson 18 - The Secret To Burning More Calories While Working Out
Lesson 19 - What To Eat Before And After Exercising To Burn More Calories
Lesson 20 - Module 2 Summary and Reflection
Module 3 Quiz - The Exercise Solution - Make Exercise Fun, Easier, and More Effective
Here's what this brandable course can do for you:
DEMONSTRATE your knowledge, expertise, compassion, and wisdom
ATTRACT those who would not normally want coaching
BUILD and strengthen your brand
Become the GO-TO person for those who want to burn calories and lose weight
Generate CONSISTENT passive income
ATTRACT only the best clients
SELL MORE of your other products and services
GROW your email list
Build a POWERFUL sales funnel
TEAM UP with affiliate partners to connect with other audiences
GROW personally in your ability to lose weight through exercise
Here's How To Use This Alongside Your Done-For-You Course:
Step 1: Upload this done-for-you course to your favorite WordPress-based course software or LMS (learning management system)... or upload to your favorite course building software like Thinkific, Udemy, or Everlesson.
Step 3: Create your sales page. Use our stunning done-for-you sales page, pre-written, designed, and coded for you.
Step 4: Record a video sales letter (VSL) and add it to your sales page. You can download our pre-made video sales letter.
Step 5: Create a video course upsell or webinar training series. Just use our pre-made slide deck presentations and record it. You can easily charge an extra $49 - $149+ for the video/webinar version.
Step 6: Run Facebook ads to the lead magnet or retargeting ads to the course.
Step 7: Send the follow-up emails after your prospects download the lead magnet.
Additional Pricing and Marketing Strategies:
Pricing recommendation: $99 - $199+ for your course, excluding additional upsells (video version, coaching, live events, etc.).
Physical product: Print it out and sell this physical home-study program.
Don’t have course software? Just send the modules as an email-based course. Keep it simple and get started right away.
Additional upsells: Create another upsell or a “gold package” that includes private coaching, group coaching, or email coaching.
Bring the course on the road: Run the course as a weekend retreat, transformational retreat, or live event. You can easily charge $500 to $5,000+ for a live event that includes group sessions, private coaching, pampering, and gourmet dining.
The Bottom Line
This done-for-you weight loss course is a fast and easy shortcut to getting your own coaching program launched FAST.
You can launch IMMEDIATELY, without writing a single word.
This is the most convenient, MOST powerful, MOST customizable solution to boosting your product line WITHOUT having to write from scratch or pay expensive freelancers.
So go ahead and download the Lose Weight: Burning Calories Made Easy course and get started!
Some clients get an error when attempting to unzip the file on Windows machines: "The destination path is too long" or "File path too long"
Windows has a known issue when unzipping files. This error is caused when you use Windows Explorer or WinZip to extract files and it encounters a file path that exceeds the maximum character limit.
To resolve this problem, please use the free alternate unzipping tool called: 7-Zip, that can handle long file paths.
IMPORTANT: After installing 7-zip, RIGHT CLICK on the zipped file, then click "7-Zip".
Here's a YouTube video showing how to unzip a file in Windows using 7-Zip:
The free 7-Zip software will avoid this "file path too long" error and allow you to unzip the files easily.