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Notice: This download is 3.5GB so it may take longer than usual to complete your download.
These done-for-you slide deck presentations are designed to accompany the done-for-you course: Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self (available separately).
We've done all the hard work for you by converting the Authenticity text-based course into a complete webinar course so you can quickly create live presentations, workshops, and webinars.
We give you the complete slide deck presentations for ALL 49 lessons, which you can customize to your style and personality.
Each slide deck presentation is meticulously designed with royalty free images...
...and you get the full presentation notes for each slide.
That means it's super easy to download the pre-made slides and start recording your webinar presentations today. Just read the notes and add your own anecdotes.
See for yourself...
This is a COMPLETE done-for-you webinar course, ready to be customized and launched by you as soon as you get it.
There are 6 modules with 49 total lessons. This isn’t some fluffy slide deck with photos of cute kittens, posing as a webinar course.
We took the written course (available separately here) and created 49 PowerPoint (PC/Mac) and Keynote (Mac) presentations and added presentation notes so you don't even have to think about what to say.
If you can read, you can present this today.
Here's the breakdown...
Your students will learn how to have a true understanding of who you are. They’ll find their personal identity, discover their deeply cherished values, and learn how to tap into their deepest passions. The journey to authenticity begins with self-understanding, finding out who they want to be, and then charting the way forward.
It’s a beautiful thing for your students to accept themselves without judgment. In this powerful section, they will learn what it means to find true self-acceptance. They’ll come to terms with who they really are, let go of past mistakes, and learn to forgive themselves. They’ll break free from those crippling self-doubts, eliminate their negative self-image, and learn the power of constructing a healthy self-image.
Once your students understand themselves, they’ll give themselves a full self-concept makeover. They’ll discover the power of reevaluating their past, building and maintaining unshakable self-esteem, being proactive about increasing their satisfaction in life, and determining who they really want to be.
Only when your students learn to love themselves can they begin to love others. They’re going to finally learn how to embrace their individuality and stop desperately seeking the approval of others. They’ll learn how to avoid the fatal flaw of comparing themselves to others and the power of believing in themselves. Finally, they’ll learn how to love their body, emotional self, intellectual self, and spiritual self.
Through a series of revealing self-questions, your students will unlock their true life purpose. They’ll also tap into the power of writing and meditation to discover what they should focus on for their life purpose. They’ll learn how to make their purpose an integral part of their life and they’ll discover the amazing benefits of finding their life purpose.
In this final section, your students will learn how to leverage everything they learned so they can live authentically. They’ll dare to be themselves, reveal their true personality, and find the courage to express their feelings. They'll present themselves honestly, unlock the power of their inner voice, and develop the courage to create originality. To top it all off, they’ll create a compelling vision of the future for themselves.
(not included in this package)
These done-for-you webinar slides are the fast and easy way to create a video or webinar version of your coaching program.
You can launch IMMEDIATELY, without writing a single word...
So go ahead and download the Becoming Your Beautiful Authentic Self - Webinar Slide Deck Presentations and get started!
SHOW MORENote: This PLR coaching tool is for practitioners, coaches, bloggers, and professionals only.
Some clients get an error when attempting to unzip the file on Windows machines: "The destination path is too long" or "File path too long"
Windows has a known issue when unzipping files. This error is caused when you use Windows Explorer or WinZip to extract files and it encounters a file path that exceeds the maximum character limit.
To resolve this problem, please use the free alternate unzipping tool called: 7-Zip, that can handle long file paths.
IMPORTANT: After installing 7-zip, RIGHT CLICK on the zipped file, then click "7-Zip".
The free 7-Zip software will avoid this "file path too long" error and allow you to unzip the files easily.
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