A Step By Step Guide To Create And Deliver A Video Coaching Program With Authority That Your Clients Will Love (Part 1)

How to deliver powerful video coaching presentations using a done-for-you ebook.


In this video, you will discover how to repurpose your ebook into a powerful SlideShare presentation.

Have you ever wanted to create a video coaching program…

...and deliver it with authority?

Let's talk about the 3 things you need to deliver POWERFUL video presentations.

This is tutorial #5 in a series we're doing on the many ways you can repurpose an ebook to create content that will grow your coaching practice.

We're going to show you how to create a video coaching program and deliver it with authority.

Here's what we're going to cover:
  1. How to speak confidently
  2. The art of the dramatic pause
  3. How to keep your attendees engaged
  4. How to record your video coaching program
  5. What tools we recommend for both live and pre-recorded programs



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First, we have to keep these four important things in mind...

Step 1: Start with the end in mind

What's the purpose for your coaching program? There should be a specific problem you're solving. Can you name it?

What goal do you want to help your clients achieve? Why can you help them and why now?

How will your clients know it worked? This is a great time to plant seeds for future glowing testimonials.

Step 2: Start with good content

There are three ways to get good content:

  • Done for your content. This is the fastest, easiest, least amount of stress way to get good content. Psst, that's what we do at PLR.me ;-)
  • Write the content yourself. Just make sure you don't get caught up in weeks of research and writing.
  • Outsource the content creation. It's usually pretty expensive to hire a good freelancer these days, and you may have to wait several weeks for them to be available to begin.
Step 3: Inject Yourself

How do you distinguish what you offer from everyone else? By being yourself. You have no competition when you are being yourself.

Inject YOUR stories and provide examples from YOUR life experiences.

Don't be afraid to pour yourself all over the coaching program. In the colors, font, photos, and the language that you use.

We just said “pour yourself” all over the coaching program. Many other people would never use that word. It doesn't make them wrong and us right, it's just different. And it makes our coaching unique.

Step 4: Decide In Advance
  • What tools will you use to help with implementation? The best training and the worst training in the world have 1 thing in common. They provide the same results if the training is not applied. Will you use a Facebook group or other community to provide accountability? A worksheet(s) to follow along with the training modules?
  • How will you deliver the coaching? Will you pre-record the training? Will you do it via live webinars? What's your preference? What does your audience expect?
  • What is the outline of what you want to cover in each module? This is not the time to fly by the seat of your pants. Know what you want to cover in each module so you don't get sidetracked. This is especially important if you deliver live and allow questions, etc.

Now that we have a hot video coaching program, we need to serve it up!

How do you deliver your coaching program with authority? 3 things you need to consider.

When it comes to mindset…

  • Remove all distractions.
  • Be attendee focused. What do they need?
  • Avoid dairy or caffeine before recording.
  • Stand or sit - people hear slouching.
  • Be conscious of your breathing.
  • Place a mirror next to the screen - people hear you smile.
  • Pause on purpose. Silence is your friend.

Now, how do you deliver your video coaching program with authority?

You need to manage:

  • Mindset
  • Technology
  • Resources

You need to manage

When it comes to technology, make some decisions and get moving. So many people get stuck here agonizing over tools.

You can deliver your video coaching live or pre-recorded. This is really a matter of personal preference.

However, if you deliver the coaching live and RECORD it while you do so, you will have the best of both worlds.

That's better than chocolate!

However, for all of these decisions, the best choice is the one you'll actually use.


As far as ‘hardware' you need a microphone… just not the one built into your computer.

If you don't use a dedicated microphone, it will ‘hear' everything in the room. It doesn't make for a professional impression.

For the same reason you need a headset. We've all been on conference calls or webinars and there is that one person who has all the static and the annoying echo?

Use a headset, even the one that came with your smartphone is better than nothing.

And don't forget to do a sound/audio check!

Add Additional Resources to your Coaching Program

The resources you provide are the things that enable your clients to take action on what they learned. To fall in love with the new changes, tell all their friends, and come back for more.

We're talking things like:

  • A summary of each module
  • Professional looking handouts
  • Worksheets/checklists/assignments
  • Follow up methods
  • Community support/accountability

So, are you ready to create killer video coaching programs to serve the people who are waiting for you?


  • Step 1: Start with the end goal in mind
  • Step 2: Start with good content
  • Step 3: Inject you
  • Step 4: Decide in advance

To deliver your coaching program with authority:

  • Manage distractions and breathing, give them the best audio experience.
  • Keep tech decisions simple. Do something. You can always tweak later.
  • Help your attendees make the changes you want by providing tools and accountability to do the work.
Step 5: Get Started Now!

If you're already a member of PLR.me, you can start using these techniques right away.

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The Ultimate Content Starter Kit includes:

  • 1 Article (minimum 500 words)
  • 1 Personal Reflection Affirmation (great for blog posts to inspire and motivate your readers)
  • 1 eBook (sell it, give it away, or do what you like)
  • 1 Worksheet (great for a content upgrade)
  • 3 Inspirational graphics (great for social media – can be branded, sold, or given away as a loyalty builder)

...all of which you can use IMMEDIATELY brand and use in your business.

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...without writing a word from scratch…

...and without trying to find, pay and babysit expensive freelancers to get the job done in weeks – or even months!

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