A Step By Step Guide To Create And Deliver A Video Coaching Program With Authority That Your Clients Will Love (Part 2)

Everything you need to know to create powerful video coaching presentations in minutes.


In this video, you will discover the step-by-step process for creating an incredibly powerful video coaching program in just a few minutes.

It's time to go behind the scenes and create a video coaching module!

Are you excited?

Let's get started.

This is tutorial #6 in a series we're doing on the many ways you can repurpose an ebook to create content that will grow your coaching practice.

In the previous tutorial, we showed you how to create a video coaching program and how to deliver it with authority.

If you remember, there were these 4 crucially important elements.

important elements

We decided in advance that we were going to give away a worksheet and use GoToWebinar to record the training and provide replays.


The Video Coaching Blueprint

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Step 1: Select Your Tools

The tools I'm using to record this module are:

  • Microphone: Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB
  • Panasonic RP-HTF600 headphones (but your Apple Earphones are just fine too!)
  • Keynote (on the Mac)
  • Screenflow

Nothing too complicated!

Step 2: Prepare For The Presentation

When it comes to recording your module, there are a couple key things to pay attention to.

  • Remove distractions (phone, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Avoid dairy or caffeine
  • Stand up or sit straight (people hear slouching)
  • Be conscious of your breathing
  • Place a mirror next to your screen so you remember to smile
  • Pause on purpose (silence is your friend!)

Now you're ready to go!

Step 3: Watch The Video

Watch the video above to see how our Marketing Educator, Allegra Sinclair, easily creates a video module. Pay close attention to how Allegra does the presentation.

Step 4: Assure People They're In The Right Place

Notice how Allegra lets everyone know that they're in the right place, thanks them for being present, and assures them that they're going to have a really good time.

Step 5: Vary The Words Per Slide

Also note that Allegra varied the number of words on each slide in order to keep people's attention.

Vary The Words Per Slide

She spoke more words than were on the slide itself so that people didn't get bored by just reading along.

Step 6: Establish Your Credibility

She also took a few minutes to establish her credibility and remind people why they could trust her.

Establish Your Credibility

Step 7: Include “Human” Moments In Your Presentation

Allegra intentionally inserted human moments into her presentation, reminding herself to even laugh at times. This reminds people that there's a real person behind the screen.

Include “Human” Moments In Your Presentation

Step 8: Invite People To Participate

In order to engage with those attending the webinar, Allegra invited those watching to answer a question she asked.

Invite People To Participate

Step 9: Get Started Now!

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The Ultimate Content Starter Kit includes:

  • 1 Article (minimum 500 words)
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  • 1 Worksheet (great for a content upgrade)
  • 3 Inspirational graphics (great for social media – can be branded, sold, or given away as a loyalty builder)

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