The Surprising 3 Minute Blog 'Hack' to Get Traffic and Attract Clients

The super simple way to create blog posts from content you ALREADY have...


In this video, you will discover how to easily create a blog post from an affirmation in only 3 minutes.

Believe it or not, you can get traffic to your website AND grow your client base…

...without creating ANY content from scratch.

It's all about leveraging your time and creating 8 pieces of content from 1 piece of content.

In this tutorial, you're going to learn the magic of transforming an affirmation into a blog post…

...in less than 3 minutes!


For this demo, we're going to use the Microsoft Word version of the affirmation. (If you don't have the affirmation, click here to get your Ultimate Content Starter Kit


The Easy Blog Post Blueprint

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Step 1: Copy & Paste the Affirmation

Once Word is open, simply copy all the text from the affirmation.

MS Word

Step 2: Add a Relevant Category

Paste the text into your WordPress editor and select the appropriate category for the blog post. We've selected “Motivation”, but you can choose whatever category works best for you.


Step 3: Add a Hero Image

Select the image of your choice to add to your blog post.

Image Gallery

Step 4: Save!

Finally, give your blog post a title and click “Save Draft”.


Step 5: Preview and fix any formatting issues

However, if you preview the post, you're going to notice a whole lot of UGLY white space.

White Space

We need to clean that up. Delete all those spaces in between the text...like this:


Step 6: Add an Inspiring Blog Graphic

Now we need to add in one more blog graphic to spice things up.

Add Image

Once you're done, save the draft and preview the post. That looks much better.

Finish product

How long did all that take?

Less than 3 minutes. That WAS fast!

Step 7: Download the Free Ultimate Content Starter Kit

If you're already a member of PLR.me, you can start using these techniques today.

If you're not a member, but you're itching to put this to work in YOUR business, you can get our Ultimate Content Starter Kit… absolutely free.

The Ultimate Content Starter Kit includes an article, affirmation, ebook, worksheet, and shareable images, all of which you can use IMMEDIATELY in your own business.

Ultimate Content Starter Kit

This "Done-For-You Content" is the secret to some of the MOST successful coaches.

Our done-for-you content includes expertly written coaching programs and resources that you can tweak, re-write, or use as is.

You don't have to find and pay EXPENSIVE freelancers or start from scratch.

International experts are using this shortcut to grow their businesses…

...and now you can too.

Click here to get your Ultimate Content Starter Kit for FREE...

Never Worry About Content Creation Again.

Explore the PLR.me Content Library and get access to done-for-you coaching resources: books, worksheets, affirmations, articles, and inspirational graphics.

Ready to brand and sell as your own.

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